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[Textures] Unity crashes inside FreeImage when importing or duplicating ...
To reproduce the issue follow the steps: 1. Open "xD" the project 2. Try duplicating some of the textures that are in the assets fol... Read more
Error of "Could not create asset"is being thrown when importing specific...
To reproduce: 1. Open new project; 2. Download BBI 3028_Screenshot.png image from below; 3. Import it in Unity Editor 4. Notice that... Read more
NetworkTransform does not autodetect CharacterController
When a NetworkTransform is added to a gameObject is detects Rigidbody and Rigidbody2D components and sets the SyncTransformMode to m... Read more
Objects change colors after playback (ambient probe gets messed up?)
Run attached scene. Stop. ---> Cubes in the scene change colors. Regression from 5.0f2 After stop playing the scene the changed col... Read more
Sprite reference is missing when loading Scene from AssetBundle
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open scene TestAB 3. In the Hierarchy window, select the GameObject "Canvas" 4. En... Read more
[Android] Flickering artifacts when using "ScriptableRenderer.EnqueuePas...
Step to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “FrameBufferFetch” project 2. Build And Run 3. Observe the device screen Expected resu... Read more
Undoing a Snapshot that's not visible should select the Snapshot
Steps to reproduce : - create an audio mixer - add another Snapshot - change the Attenuation Fader in the Master group - select ano... Read more
[Mesh] Setting mesh.uv throws Null Reference exception
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Add DoPlace component to any game object 3. Press play 4. Notice exception in console Re... Read more
Editor crashes when applying changes to custom ScriptedImporter asset
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( using necessary assetpipeline version (use -adb1 or -adb2 command-line ... Read more
[Mac] Screen tearing when moving around the scene in play mode
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached Unity project 2. Open scene named "SampleScene" 3. Press "Play" button 4. Move around with "W... Read more
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Latest issues
- Scene Filter buttons reset to "All" in the Occlusion Window when entering Play Mode but the Scene Filters themselves do not reset
- Transition property is not disabled in the UI Builder when it is set by a variable
- Crash on PersistentManager::GetSerializedType when opening a specific Scene
- GlobalObjectId.GetGlobalObjectIdSlow returns empty ID when in Prefab Isolation Mode
- Crash on Transform::RemoveFromParent when deleting a child GameObject