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Scroll Rect (Script) Content's Pos Y is randomly set in Scene view after...
To reproduce: 1. Open user's attached Unity project "ScrollViewTest" 2. Open scene "Test" 3. Canvas-->Scroll View-->Viewport-->Conte... Read more
Slow FBX import times on get_defaultMaterial when using Universal RP
How to reproduce: 1. Extract the user's project 2. If a project has a Library folder, delete it 3. Open the user's project Expected... Read more
[WSA] Impossible to copy - paste on Win Store Apps
1. Copy any selected text, then launch WSA application and paste it to any input field. The text will not be pasted. 2. In WSA appl... Read more
Collision does not occur in Build when the Tilemap's sprite is imported ...
How to reproduce it: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Load 'BaseLevel' scene from 'Assets' > 'Scenes' folder 3. Enter Play mod... Read more
Texture data has gamma applied when an HDR Cubemap Asset is set to forma...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Observe the "Sphere" GameObject in the Scene View window Expected r... Read more
Selecting shader for a material resets custom Render Queue to default sh...
When shaders are switched for materials, their custom Render Queue is reset to default shader value. Steps to reproduce: 1) Open th... Read more
[TMP] TextMeshPro font preset focus is being lost when resetting
TextMeshPro Font preset asset focus is being lost when resetting. Steps to repro: 1. Open the attached project. 2. Project Window >... Read more
SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat does not report correct with ARGB...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the main scene 3. Play the scene 4. Observe there is no output in the Conso... Read more
[Shadows] Camera.Render() clears _CameraDepthTexture if there's a shadow...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "scene" 3. Comment out line 47 "QualitySettings.shadowDistance = 0;" in Deferr... Read more
[iOS] All iPhone builds show iPhone 6 plus launch image
To Reproduce: 1. Build the attached proiject (simulator or device). 2. Notice that on all iPhones the iPhone 6+ landscape image is ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Scene Filter buttons reset to "All" in the Occlusion Window when entering Play Mode but the Scene Filters themselves do not reset
- Transition property is not disabled in the UI Builder when it is set by a variable
- Crash on PersistentManager::GetSerializedType when opening a specific Scene
- GlobalObjectId.GetGlobalObjectIdSlow returns empty ID when in Prefab Isolation Mode
- Crash on Transform::RemoveFromParent when deleting a child GameObject