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ArticulationBody index hierarchy is incorrect when using GetDriveForces ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Open scene Scenes/SampleScene 3. Press the Play button 4. In the Hierarchy ... Read more
Commas do not automatically change to dots in Color Picker's "Current Br...
To reproduce: 1. Open a new Unity project 2. In project window, create a Material 3. Click on Material, then open Color picker in In... Read more
[Timeline] Dropdown icon for "Advanced" properties doesn't work under "C...
The Dropdown icon for "Advanced" properties doesn't work under "Control Playable Asset" in Inspector. Please refer to the attached v... Read more
Sprites disapear when selecting multiple objects and using the Transform...
Steps to reproduce : 1. import the project attached 2. add a few sprites to the scene located in the folder 3. select all the sprit... Read more
Crash due to Stack Overflow when entering the Play Mode with Burst Compi...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “ASDQWE” project 2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene 3. In the top Meniu... Read more
[Android] Mobile Notifications package generates GC per every frame
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Select the Autoconnect Profiler an... Read more
Screenshot via the share button does not work on macOS
When using the graph share button on macOS images are not written to file. Steps to reproduce * Create a new Bolt Class * Add it... Read more
Autoshowroom template throws errors when opening the project
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new "Autoshowroom" template project 2. Observe the console Expected results: the Console is empty Act... Read more
[IL2CPP] System.Array.Sort<uint> returns incorrectly sorted array
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open "Main" scene 3. Play the scene in the Editor 4. Set build platform to iOS 5. In the P... Read more
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Latest issues
- Editor crashes and a window with "GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'MonoManager' is NULL (table index 5)" error is shown when launching a freshly created project
- Editor Windows dragging behavior is erratic/glitchy when a specific multi-display setup is used and the Editor window is not on the main display
- Meta Quest missing an icon in Build Profiles window in U6.0
- Foldout arrow indent is misaligned in the Inspector when used for Arrays or Lists
- Material import pipeline strips properties when it is added with a script