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[CPU PLM] Editor crashes when toggling Baked Global Illumination checkbo...
Steps to repro: 1. Open the attached project and 'SampleScene' scene; 2. Let the scene's lighting auto-bake; 3. When the baking is c... Read more
[Mojave] Editor crashed on profiling::profiler::GetProfilerThreadID() wh...
How to reproduce: 1a.) The project is created for the Android platform, make sure that you don't have this platform installed 1b.) ... Read more
Play Mode takes a longer time to load in Unity 2017.x
Reproduction Steps: 1. Import attached project. 2. Open "Test" scene. 3. In Menu, select "Test" -> "EnterPlayMode test". Results: I... Read more
Editor crashes on mono_log_write_logfile when initializing a class deriv...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Enter Play mode -- Observe the crash Reproducible with: 0.9.... Read more
[iOS] Loading with WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload from StreamingAssets hang...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project ( 2. Build for iOS 3. Build the Xcode project ... Read more
ForwardLit passes are stripped when loading via the Addressable Asset Sy...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "ReproProj" 2. Open the “/Assets/Scenes/MainScene.unity” Scene 3. Build and Run ... Read more
Shader errors in Player when "Strict shader variant matching" is enabled...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “My project“ project 2. Build And Run 3. Observe the Development Console Expected... Read more
[NavMesh] Area type isn't baked correctly into NavMesh if NavMeshModifie...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open "TestScene" scene. 3. Find "GameObject" and "GameObject (1)" in ... Read more
[AW] Changing rotation set in one keyframe affects other keyframe
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create new project and add cube 2. Set rotation to 0, 0, 330 3. Open animation window, create new animation ... Read more
[TMP] textInfo.wordCount value is higher for words with Arabic diacritics
How to reproduce: 1. Open tester-attached project (case_1179861-TextMeshProBug) 2. Enter Play Mode 3. Click the Button to display th... Read more
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Latest issues
- Editor crashes and a window with "GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'MonoManager' is NULL (table index 5)" error is shown when launching a freshly created project
- Editor Windows dragging behavior is erratic/glitchy when a specific multi-display setup is used and the Editor window is not on the main display
- Meta Quest missing an icon in Build Profiles window in U6.0
- Foldout arrow indent is misaligned in the Inspector when used for Arrays or Lists
- Material import pipeline strips properties when it is added with a script