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Crash on StageUtility::IsGameObjectInInvalidPrefabStage(GameObject&) whe...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Enter and exit Play mode Expected result: The Editor exits Play mode wit... Read more
Crash with "Start importing [file path] using Guid" error message when i...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached "" project 2. Import .mov or .mp4 file Expected result: The file is succ... Read more
Constant input from the gamepad when it is not being used
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the "Player Testing" Scene in the attached project "The Great" 2. Enter the Play mode 3. Obser... Read more
[iOS] Touch input returns position relative to UIView instead of screen ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Download and open the attached " (65.7 KB)" project 2. Build and deploy the ... Read more
Handles.Label does not appear in the supposed place
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Create New GameObject 3. Attach the "NewBehaviourScript" script to the G... Read more
[WebGL] Memory access exception when running Build
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user-submitted project 2. Unzip user-submitted folder "" 3. Open "manifest.json" found in p... Read more
[XR][Vulkan][Oculus] Crash launching app on Quest
Vulkan on Quest is crashing on startup. Seems to have started with 2021.2 rev a56f56f94b71 Here's the crash log in adb 11-18 16:0... Read more
[macOS] Keyboard Input keys sticky and get stuck axis when low frame rat...
Repro: 1) On a computation-intensive project like the attached, enter playmode. 2) Alternate between pressing the s and w keys, wait... Read more
[Rider] Crash on Triggering a breakpoint during Playable evaluation of G...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Open the "TutorialScene" scene 3. Open Rider editor and attach... Read more
Marker is not added on timeline marker track when a menu is displayed
1) Open the attached project ( 2) Open Timeline window 3) Select MainCamera 4) In the Project window, drag New Signal... Read more
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Latest issues
- Crash on __pthread_kill when initializing Vuplex WebView while entering the Play Mode
- Crash on FindSurface when adding a custom Renderer Feature to a 2D Renderer Data Asset
- [Android] [Vulkan] [UI Toolkit] Application crashes when the device is rotated when it has UI Toolkit TextField on Vulkan devices
- Crash on DualThreadAllocator<DynamicHeapAllocator>::TryDeallocate when opening a specific project
- Crash on memset_repstos when pressing a UI button while in Play Mode