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[Android] BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer() with custom keystore file fails wi...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project 2. Switch build target to Android 3. Press from main menu "BugReport > Build APK" ... Read more
[Android] System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture returns Cultur...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Center the text to see it 3. Build and run on Android device Actual result: Observe that... Read more
Cache system Caching.IsVersionCached reporting true but Caching.GetCache...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Switch to Android platform 3. Play the editor 4. Wait until asset bundle manager rep... Read more
Signal Emitter does not emit reaction when Playable Director's Update Me...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user's attached project ('') 2. Open scene 'New' and click on the Director obje... Read more
Inconsistent Isometric Tilemap Rendering when Tilemap Renderer Mode is s...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the Sample Scene 3. Inspect the difference between Inspector window-> Tilemap... Read more
[UWP] UWP build fails on 2019.1.1f1
It seems this bug happens because il2cpp.exe doesn't run correctly. Repro: 1. Create a new project 2. Build UWP player with any bui... Read more
Tile's Sprite becomes stretched when imported with 2D Animation package ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project named "Case_1146955" 2. Open the SampleScene and Observe the Scene view Expected r... Read more
Resources.Load fails to load TextAsset when it has char 160 (non-breakin...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's project 2. Open SampleScene 3. Press Play Expected result: No error Actual result: NullReferen... Read more
Editor throws Error messages when 2D Animation package is installed
1. Create a new project 2. Import the 2D Animation package Expected behavior: Editor runs properly and no errors are thrown Actual ... Read more
Mouse click does not select the correct array element in the Inspector w...
How to reproduce: 1. Download, extract and open attached project ( 2. Open 'SampleScene' and select 'GameObject' in... Read more
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Latest issues
- URP ShadowCaster2D is misplaced and distorted when used with rotated Perspective Camera
- UI mesh is drawn twice when two cameras are used
- The Scene view top menu bar disappears when any Draw Mode other than "Wireframe" is selected in the specific project with a corrupted Material
- TabView.tabClosed EventHandler passes the wrong tab index as parameter when closing a tab from oldest to newest order
- Rigidbodies clip through terrain and snap back up when Heightmap Resolution is bigger than the terrain size