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Unity crashes on "-[AVFoundationMediaLoader GetNumAudioChannels:]" when ...
Repro steps: 1. Open QA attached project "repro_1104510" 2. Create an empty GameObject 3. Add a VideoPlayer Component to it 4. Attac... Read more
Copy and paste doesn't work in input field
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Enter Play mode 3. Try to copy or paste anything to the input field... Read more
Painting Grass Textures onto the Terrain fails if the project has the LW...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new LWRP project and create a new Scene 2. Go to "Edit" -> "Project Settings..." -> "Graphics" and set... Read more
[Editor] Hidden objects count doesn't update in Scene view on deleting a...
On deleting hidden Gameobject from a hierarchy doesn't reflect in the count of hiddden gameobjects in Scene window. Steps to Reprod... Read more
[IL2CPP] The Obfuscator plugin causes Build to fail and prints unclear S...
To reproduce: 1. Download attached project "ObfuscationRepro3" and open in Unity 2. Press File > Build Settings... 3. Switch ... Read more
[GLCore] Tessellation doesn't work on OpenGL while it works on Direct3D11
1. Download "OpenGLTessellationIssue.7z (12.7 MB)" project 2. Open a scene called "ddd" (In which you will find 2 cubes, Red and Blu... Read more
'Stack Empty' exception is thrown with .NET 4.x when compiling a script ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project (BROKEN_COMPILER) 2. Re-import the 'Gallery.cs' script and see the Console window ... Read more
[Editor] Null Reference exception thrown on changing scale factor of the...
Null Reference exception is thrown on changing scale factor of the screen from Window's display settings. Steps to reproduce: 1. Cr... Read more
Error of InvalidOperationException appears when Mobile Notifications pac...
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Go to Package manager 3. Install Mobile Notifications package Actual result: There is an e... Read more
Static Batching draw call regression since 2018.1.0a1
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project 2. Build & Run to an Android device 3. Switch to landscape mode - Observe the fr... Read more
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Latest issues
- “Some values driven by GridLayoutGroup“ message disappears on a child UI GameObject when disabling a non-parent GameObject
- Assets do not get imported from an asset package when Library assets in the asset package are unchanged
- UI Builder looses reference to the opened UI Document when domain reload is done
- The HDR Color picker preview does not display the same color as the standard Color Picker preview
- HDRP Lit Shader errors are thrown and artifacts are generated when using Emissive Map and "Same as Base" UV mapping setting