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SharedTest scene from HoloToolKit crashes when building
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project; 2. Open the SharingTest scene; 3. In the Menu, choose HoloToolkit -> Sharing Servi... Read more
[Shaderlibrary] Inverse View Projection transformation matrix is not the...
Universals Inverse View Projection matrix is wrong. Repro steps: 1. Open project attatched ( 2. Open SampleS... Read more
Incorrect near planeSize.y calculation at CameraEditorUtils.cs
In the 'TryGetSensorGateFrustum' method in the CameraEditorUtils.cs ( Read more
MultiColumnListView and MultiColumnTreeView do not change selection on f...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “Possible UI” project 2. Open the “SampleScene” (Assets > Scenes) 3. In the Hier... Read more
[Linux] Player fails to call NetworkInterface.OperationalStatus property
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “TestCrash” project 2. Click File > Build Settings 3. Build the project 4. Launch the P... Read more
[AssetBundles] Material of the prefab doesn't load if prefab is built us...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Delete everything from AssetBundles folder 3. Build AssetBundles (Assets -> Build ... Read more
Locked Timeline loses focus of the object after entering and exiting Pla...
To reproduce: 1. In a new project, create an empty object 2. Open the Timeline window and create a timeline for the new object 3. L... Read more
Opening Culling mask dropdown list throws IndexOutOfRangExceptions if al...
How to reproduce: 1. Download the attached project 2. Select "Directional Light" in the Hierarchy window 3. In the Inspector wind... Read more
[Android] "SHADOWS_SCREEN" set as shader Keyword when no "_ShadowMapText...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the “ShadowMapFallback“ project 2. Open the “SampleScene“ scene 3. Build and run for Android Expecte... Read more
[XR][HDRP] Spotlight intensity appears blocky near the edges of the lit ...
0. A Sony Spatial Reality Display is required to reproduce the issue 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the 'SRDisplaySimpleSample... Read more
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Latest issues
- Reference to a deleted GameObject becomes "None" instead of "Missing" when the GameObject is restored with undo after entering and exiting Play Mode
- Size value in Particle System Curve's tab is highlighted with selection across all tab header
- Particle System Curve's Presets window has no visual indication of what preset is selected
- Blur shader doesn't work when the "Scene Color" Node is attached to the UI "Output" Node
- Particle System Curve presets can't be scrolled and some of them can't be selected if window is too narrow to fit them all