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Windows Standalone 64-bit Build Crashes on launch
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new project 2. Build for Windows (64-bit) 3. Launch the Standalone Build Expected Result: The Buil... Read more
[Android] Outline gets applied on the whole screen instead of individual...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open project attached by QA 2. Open 'Scene1_Intro' scene 3. Select 'Main Camera' and make sure unnecessary sh... Read more
Metal Editor Support makes the entire Unity editor turn hot pink plus pi...
Using Unity 2017.3.0b1 on Mac if you enable "Metal Editor Support* (Experimental)" in Player settings then the entire Editor UI (exc... Read more
[Metal] Crash in _pthread_kill when using CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT o...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "CrashMetal" project and "ShowcaseSceneContactShadows" scene 2. Enable "Main Camera" GameObje... Read more
[.NET4.6] Crash in '_sigtramp > mono_handle_native_crash' calling Debug....
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project with macOS machine. 2. Make sure Scripting Runtime Version is set to .NET 4.6 in Pl... Read more
Shader using HDR cubemap is darker on mobile than PC
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Notice that two spheres have same brightness level 3. Switch platform to Android or iOS ... Read more
Crash when inspecting types value with FieldOffset attribute when debugging
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open "Sample" scene 3. Open "Test" script with Visual Studio 2017 4. I... Read more
[iOS 11] On-screen keyboard disappears when changing device's orientatio...
To reproduce: 1. Open project attached by QA 2. Build it for iOS. Make sure "New Scene" scene is selected in the build settings 3. L... Read more
Empty Asset packages list when creating a new project
How to reproduce: 1. Open Unity 2. Click on New project 3. Select Add Asset Package Expected result: Window with Standart Asset pac... Read more
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Latest issues
- Size value in Particle System Curve's tab is highlighted with selection across all tab header
- Particle System Curve's Presets window has no visual indication of what preset is selected
- Blur shader doesn't work when the "Scene Color" Node is attached to the UI "Output" Node
- Particle System Curve presets can't be scrolled and some of them can't be selected if window is too narrow to fit them all
- Mistakes in multiple Particle System Components pop-up