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[Graphics-General] Failed to destroy editor windows error is thrown on c...
Failed to destroy editor windows error is thrown on changing Graphics API's. Steps to repro: 1. Create a new project. 2. File > Bui... Read more
Camera.clearFlags doesn't update on Camera Preview
Steps to repro: 1. Create a new project and open it 2. Select the Main Camera in Hierarchy and set "Clear Flags" to "Depth Only" Ex... Read more
Editor crashes on Mesh::RecalculateSubmeshBoundsInternal when changing S...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached "" project 2. Load the "SampleScene" 3. Select the "Mesh" GameObject in ... Read more
[Platform Dependent Compilation]: Mobile Platform Properties are not sho...
[Platform Dependent Compilation]: Mobile Platform Properties are not shown in auto-completion in Monodevelop and VS 1. What happene... Read more
Crash when calling PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset with a absolute path ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project ( 2. Open the SampleScene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Click the 'Save' U... Read more
Re-loading DLLs takes a lot more time compared to Unity 4
Re-loading dlls in unity 5* takes about ~6x times more time, then in 4* unity version. 1. Open project "Dll Reload Problem" (Attach... Read more
[HDRP] Light Layers change the render result of a specific Custom Pass i...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project named "Case_1292470" 2. Open the CustomPass Scene 3. Observe the Game view. The windo... Read more
[Android] [GearVR] Application crashes with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) when ret...
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project '' and open in Unity 2) Create .osig file for testing dev... Read more
[UIElements] StyleEnum is creating boxing allocations
StyleEnum<T> is making use of IConvertible to do comparison, this is allocating for simple equality check. The equality check can be... Read more
[iOS] Player crashes on Il2CppSequencePointExecutionContext::Il2CppSeque...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the project provided by the user 2.Go to Menu bar-> Build -> iOS-> QA 3. Go to <project root>/XcodeExport... Read more
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Latest issues
- Prefab Override popup displays on wrong monitor when Inspector width is resized to minimum
- Scroll View is not moving by inertia after scrolling by click and dragging when Editor window is minimized and Canvas "Render Mode" is set to "World Space"
- "type mismatch error" occurs when the currentDirectionWS output of a Sample Water Surface node is connected to a float3 input
- URP Material Upgrade utility does not enable Alpha Clipping when material had Rendering Mode set to Cutout
- Particle System emission ignores the Sprite Atlas when using a Material that has the "Include in Build" setting unchecked