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Identify the bottlenecks limiting our ability to implement framerate ind...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "2022_3_LTS_SimpleVR - Bug" 2. In the "FramerateIndepend... Read more
Light components do not respect the scene visibility flag
Some lighting components still render when the GameObject is set to not be visible in the Scene Read more
The first returned value from “Random.value” is always ~0.2, and differe...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user’s attached “” project 2. Enter Play Mode and observe the Console window Expected re... Read more
[Android] Skybox material shader transitions between colours are not smo...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the "IN_47769" project 2. In the Build Settings from the "Run Device" drop-down select the connected dev... Read more
ARC playback timing is not working with Mixer pitch
The playback of an audio source using ARC stops when using a mixer output with pitch above 100%. The timing is also not taken into a... Read more
Different results in Search Field in Console and Project window when pre...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Focus the Search Field in the Project or Console window 3.1. Insert any text, unfocu... Read more
Vector3Field SetValueWithoutNotify triggers RegisterValueChangedCallback...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the “NaNVectorNotify_Stripped” project 2. Choose the Window menu > NaN Test 3. Click “Set to NaN” and... Read more
UI/Submit action from the DefaultInputActions asset is not recognised wh...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the "" project 2. Open "Assets/Scenes/SampleScene" 3. Connect a Nintendo Switch Pro contr... Read more
[URP] Deferred Rendering layers sometimes do not contain information in ...
When enabling rendering layers in deferred, it seems the values are not written into the Gbuffer. If you add the Decal Renderer Feat... Read more
Rendering artifacts using Custom Render Texture shader on Sphere Game Ob...
To reproduce: 1. Create a new 3D URP template project 2. Use either Metal, DX11 or DX12 3. Create a sphere game object in the Hie... Read more
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Latest issues
- Prefab Override popup displays on wrong monitor when Inspector width is resized to minimum
- Scroll View is not moving by inertia after scrolling by click and dragging when Editor window is minimized and Canvas "Render Mode" is set to "World Space"
- "type mismatch error" occurs when the currentDirectionWS output of a Sample Water Surface node is connected to a float3 input
- URP Material Upgrade utility does not enable Alpha Clipping when material had Rendering Mode set to Cutout
- Particle System emission ignores the Sprite Atlas when using a Material that has the "Include in Build" setting unchecked