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Fixed in 2023.2.0b12, 2023.3.0a8



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ARC playback timing is not working with Mixer pitch


The playback of an audio source using ARC stops when using a mixer output with pitch above 100%. The timing is also not taken into account when using mixer pitch.

# Create a Mixer asset
# Set the Master Audio Mixer Group pitch value to 150%
# Create an ARC asset
# Add the "bark copy.wav" clip to AudioClips list
# Add a game object with the ARC asset
# Set AudioSource loop to true
# Set AudioSource output to the Master Audio Mixer Group
# Enter play mode

Expected: The audio playback loops and the timing is correct

Actual: The audio playback stops after one cycle

You can also download the "" for a quick setup

Reproduced on mac M1

Also reproducible on StandaloneOSX



Setting the pitch below 100% works as in it does not make the playback stop. It does, however, not take timing into account, meaning that the playback is overlapped

I tried setting pitch to
# 110% and it played 4 cycles before stopping playback
# 111% and it played 1 cycles before stopping playback
# 109% and it played multiple cycles (>20) without stopping playback

Looks like the length of the clip used matters as well:
# It looks like I used "bark copy.wav" and can reproduce the issue.
# I tried using a different clip "samp.wav", which is shorter, where I could set pitch to 1000% without it stopping playback.
# I tried using a different clip "amb_f220.wav", which is longer, where setting
## pitch to 102% it would stop playback after 1 cycle
## pitch to 101% it would play more than 1 cycle

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