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Animations artifacts can be seen when using Timeline scrubbing
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Open the repro scene ("AnimationTest") 3. Sel... Read more
Unity crashing when baking lights and generating light UV
Step to reproduce: 1. Click Generate Lighting 2. Wait 3. Crash Notes: - Only reproduces in CPU Lightmapper. - Only reproduces whe... Read more
Game Object is rendered incorrectly in the Game View when sampling Depth...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project; 2. Open SampleScene; 3. Check the GameView Expected Result: red color is rendered where sp... Read more
3DS MAX model thumbs become twisted when Animation Type is set as Humanoid
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. In the Project window select "MESH_Lito.fbx" 3. In ... Read more
[Hub] shows missing Unity Editor instance message if additional modules ...
Hub displays a missing Unity Editor instance message to all the projects created by the same version if additional modules are being... Read more
Mouse movement isn't recognized in Editor Play mode and Build when it is...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ("Input system Remote") in machine accessed by Remote Desktop 2. Open ... Read more
[URP] The Viewport Rect isn't correctly applied when the camera is outpu...
Repro step : - Open ViewportRect_URP - Open Scene "Repro.unity" - Open GameView : see a green Expected result : half of the game vie... Read more
Crash on D3D12SwapChain::CreateHWND when CreateSwapChainForHwnd returns ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user's attached project "vfxgraphcrash" --crash Reproducible with: 2017.4.37f1, 2018.4.18f1, 2019.3.4f1... Read more
[RemoteConfig] Placeholder message gets superimposed on added setting wh...
Placeholder message in settings in remote config window gets superimposed on any unsaved setting. User should be intimated about any... Read more
Prefabs which are not nested return null value when using PrefabUtility....
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open attached "BetterUI_Test2019" project 2. Open "Betterizer" script 3. Insert a breakpoint in ... Read more
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- [VFX Graph] ArcCone Direction computation is wrong in Base Mode
- [Android] [Galaxy Tab] A singular Pen touch logs a Pen touch event and a singular finger touch event when logged using "VisualElement.RegisterCallback" with "Pointer(Up/Down)Event"
- Crash on D3D12DescriptorCache::Deallocate or vkGetInstanceProcAddr when loading RenderDoc in a specific Scene
- [HDRP] Lit material preview is rendered incorrectly with a mask map
- The "LerpWhiteTo" missing function displays an error when the Shadows.hlsl shader is included in a Shader file