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Crash on UnityEngine::Animation::SetBoundCurveFloatValue when AnimationC...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Select "MOB1_Crouch_Idle_V2.fbx" model in Assets 3. Press the ar... Read more
MeshFilter.mesh property should be animatable
Description: Allow animating the .mesh property of a MeshFilter component (see Read more
IL2CPP and Entities builds broken and throws Not Supported Exception if ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. In Project window, select "Settings" -> "ClassicBuildSetting... Read more
IL2CPP ARM64 project crashes on script runtime initialization when using...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open and build/run the User-supplied project. Expected: no crash Actual: apk crashes Reproduced in: 2019.2.... Read more
Script compiling stops when Editor tests get interrupted during exectuion
After running some Editor Tests and interrupting them, the script compilation fails to get triggered. Repro steps: - download thi... Read more
Using JobHandle.CombineDependencies for long-running jobs causes "Intern...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Enter PlayMode -> observe the Co... Read more
Growing the Frame Selection in the Profile Analyzer doesn't update the c...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Import the Profile Analyzer package 3. Using the Profiler record some frames of the Edi... Read more
Editor crashes on EventHandler`1<TEventData_REF>:invoke_void_TEventData ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached "" project 2. Load the "Sandbox" scene 3. Enter Play mode -- Observe the... Read more
[UI Elements] The entire Title bar of a window is interactable and its "...
Nothing happens on selecting the "Close tab" option from the title bar of a window. The entire Title bar is interactable as opposed ... Read more
Animation Preview window does not display animations for GameObjects con...
How to reproduce: 1. Download the tester-attached package(SpritelessAnimationPreview.unitypackage) 2. Create a new Unity project and... Read more
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- Scene Filter buttons reset to "All" in the Occlusion Window when entering Play Mode but the Scene Filters themselves do not reset
- Transition property is not disabled in the UI Builder when it is set by a variable
- Crash on PersistentManager::GetSerializedType when opening a specific Scene
- GlobalObjectId.GetGlobalObjectIdSlow returns empty ID when in Prefab Isolation Mode
- Crash on Transform::RemoveFromParent when deleting a child GameObject