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[Regression] 5.6.0b6 Editor will not start on Windows 7 (without VisualS...
I have Windows 7 64b (Service Pack1) laptop and I use VisualStudio 2010. All previous Unity Editor builds work fine, BUT 5.6.0b6 Edi... Read more
Sprite warped when rotating to a certain angle when using flipX or flipY
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. Open the Assets/Scene.unity scene 3. Select "Weapons_0 (1)" object in... Read more
[Collab] "operation is already running" when trying to revert a change w...
1. Open a new Unity project 2. Enable collab 3. Create two scripts "a.cs" and "b.cs" 4. Commit the scripts to collab 5. Add a commen... Read more
Rendering objects using a GrabPass shader to a RenderTexture with non-de...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. Open the Assets/main.unity scene 3. Observe the... Read more
[Occlusion Culling] Reflections in the water doesn't work properly with...
To reproduce: 1. Download attached project and open it; 2. Make sure that FirstPersonCharacter is selected in the Hierarchy; 3. Pres... Read more
UVs Breaking after light map is baked
To reproduce: 1) Open attached project and scene 2) If lighting is not cleared, clear it to see the default state 3) Bake the lightm... Read more
NetworkDiscovery always produces an error when StopBroadcast() is called...
Reproduction Steps: 1. Open attached project. 2. Open "LocalDiscovery" scene. 3. Build & Run project in Standalone Player. 4. Wait u... Read more
Crashes when removing a Rigidbody from prefab when instance of a prefab ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. Open the Assets/test.unity scene 3. Select Assets/cube.prefab ... Read more
[Regression][Undock] Tab is unresponsive and NullReferenceException is t...
Steps to repro: 1. Create new project; 2. Select any GameObject in the Hierarchy (for instance, Directional Light); 3. Lock Inspect... Read more
RectMask 2D does not update position of clipped objects after move
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project attached (RectMask 2D Test). 2. Open scene "bug" (Assets -> Scenes). 3. Press Play. 4. Press "/\... Read more
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- Unable to switch to either Facebook Instant Games/Meta Quest in the Build Profile
- The tvOS platform appears in the Build Profile window even though it isn’t supported on Linux
- Error "IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array" logged when selecting an Element in UI Builder with a specific setup
- "native code called abort()" is thrown in WebGL player when loading first scene
- Gradient Editor always opens on the main display when a multi-monitor setup is used and the Editor Window is on a secondary display