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[iOS] NotificationServices.remoteNotifications contains two elements whe...
NotificationServices.remoteNotifications contains two elements instead of one, when a notification is received through APNs. Steps ... Read more
Undocking editor tab throws NullReferenceException
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create new project with default layout 2. Undock any tab to "float" (tested with Console, Project and Inspec... Read more
Stopping network client/server in editor causes it to hang when network ...
Steps to reproduce: First way: 1. Open attached project 2. Open "offline_scene" and run it 3. Start and stop server - notice that e... Read more
[Metal] VideoPlayer crashes on rapid reloads with "libobjc.A.dylib`objc_...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "Archive project" 2. Build and run it for iOS. 3. Rapidly touch the screen to reload the v... Read more
When CharacterController.detectCollisions is set to false, it still dete...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project; 2. Enter Play mode and go to the cube; Actual result: the character collides with... Read more
Embedded resources in WebGL export only working with fully enabled excep...
Reproduction Steps: 1- Download attached project. 2- Build solution ResourceLoader. 3- Put built assembly(ResourceLoader.dll) into A... Read more
Editor crashes when switching target platform after making a build
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open new Unity project 2. Open 'Build Settings' window and build the project 3. Select other platform and cl... Read more
The instance of a scriptable object is not created, when a namespace is ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project; 2. Open the scene "TestScene"; 3. Enter Play mode and observe the Console window; ... Read more
[Transform] Motion Vectors no longer updated when transform set via script
Motion vector texture is not updated when an objects transform is set via script. This seems to be a regression from our transform r... Read more
[UNET] Network Lobby Example crashes when clicking Back in Standalone Pl...
Reproduction Steps: 1. Open attached project. 2. Open "Lobby" scene. 3. Enter Play mode. 4. Create a game. 5. Open attached Standalo... Read more
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- “Error in Shader Graph Assets/Samples/Shader Graph/17.1.0/Production Ready Shaders/Lit/URPLit.shadergraph: Graph is generating too many variants…” error is thrown after importing Shader Graph Samples
- ComputeShader cannot access the depth element of RenderTexture targeted by an HDR camera
- Search in the Console window highlights wrong text when text contains HTML attributes
- Particle System doesn't always play when ParticleSystem.Play() is called
- Build Profiles: The vertical and horizontal window lines are different colors and this is not consistent with the other engine windows