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Substance generates incorrect warning when changing shader type
After changing a Substance material's shader, a warning message will appear in the material. This message goes away immediately afte... Read more
Unmodifiable license that corresponds to a different Unity account is us...
How to reproduce: 1. Create two Windows users and two Unity accounts 2. Log into the first Windows user account on the machine 3. Op... Read more
Calling MemoryProfiler.TakeSnapshot repeatedly causes a memory leak
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “LeakTest“ project 2. Open the “Assets/SampleScene.unity“ Scene 3. Change the path in th... Read more
Static Batching is inconsistent with the Editor when used in Player Build
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Open scene Scenes/SampleScene 3. Press the Play button and observe the text... Read more
[Light Probes] Tetrahedral cells not refreshed when selecting Light Prob...
Repro: Steps outlined in attached repro video. Repro project attached Create a Light Probe group Duplicate Light Probe Group Move ... Read more
[linux editor] Asset Store page jitters inside the window
-e: see title and attached video --works in 2018.1.6 (and Windows and OSX) --not working with 2018.2.7 and 2013.3.0a11 -repro: --cr... Read more
Exporting a material includes textures that were assigned to other shaders
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Select the 'mat' material 3. Assign texture '1' to Albedo and texture '2' to Hei... Read more
ReleaseAllScriptCaches error when trying to open Package Manager
Reproduction steps: 1. Open Editor 2. Attempt to open Package Manager window 3. Observe Console window Expected result: No error Ac... Read more
[Android] Permission requests are automatically denied when Write Permis...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “permission_repro” project 2. Ensure that Show Splash Screen in Project Settings → Player... Read more
Crash on when D3D12RenderPass::SetupDeviceResources when opening FBX ani...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "CrashRepro" 2. Select "Assets/Cube_Anim" in the Project window 3. Select the "Anim... Read more
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Latest issues
- Size value in Particle System Curve's tab is highlighted with selection across all tab header
- Particle System Curve's Presets window has no visual indication of what preset is selected
- Blur shader doesn't work when the "Scene Color" Node is attached to the UI "Output" Node
- Particle System Curve presets can't be scrolled and some of them can't be selected if window is too narrow to fit them all
- Mistakes in multiple Particle System Components pop-up