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Editor window becomes uncloseable when the script creating it is removed...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open new project 2. Create a script that opens an editor window (Or just use the example script from https://... Read more
There is no support for layers or partial animations in the PlayableAPI
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project's scene "default". 2. Enter play mode. 3. Right dwarf's legs are twisted Reproduced o... Read more
[Decal] decal:blend in Surface shaders doesn't work with shadows
Objects with "decal:blend" used to receive shadows in 4.x. In 5.0 they don't. Two projects with screenshots provided. Read more
[AssetBundles] RecompressAssetBundle never does the expected CRC check
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the Test Runner 3. Run the tests Actual result: Tests fails. Expected result... Read more
[Oculus Quest][Oculus Go] Using Single Pass results in a black screen wi...
Repro steps: 1. Open initial attached project "Water" 2. Build and run on Oculus Quest/Go Actual: Black screen appears after launc... Read more
Unity Bug Reporter does not add a space when the Spacebar is pressed aft...
How to reproduce: # Open or create any project # Open the Unity Bug Reporter window (Help > “Report a Bug...”) # Type a dot symbol ... Read more
[iOS][Xcode] Deployement target in Xcode is 9.1 when in Unity set to 9.0
To reproduce: 1. Create new project 2. Select iOS as build platform 3. In the Player settings set Target minimum iOS Version to 9.0 ... Read more
UI Toolkit doesn't display the context menu in the default Inspector whe...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user’s attached “” project 2. In the Project window, select “New So 3.asset”... Read more
[Graphics] DrawMesh crashes editor if material is not valid or null
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and import attached project. ( 2. Open scene: main 3. Press play. C... Read more
[IL2CPP] Method called twice on delegate invocation when multiple generi...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "buildRepro" 2. Open the scene "GenericDelegateMethodBug" (Assets/GenericDelegateMeth... Read more
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Latest issues
- Inspector elements are rendered twice when the script component is added via drag-and-drop while the HideFlags.HideInInspector property is set
- Error "Light baking failed with error code 5 (Convergence data not available while rendering lightmaps)" thrown in Console when generating lighting for specific GameObjects
- Copy and Paste options for an Animation Property value are disabled in the Right click contextual menu
- Asset is not found when searching the Label "NewLabel" in Search Window
- "Compute dispatch: missing texture ID..." and "Compute dispatch: missing UAV ID..." warnings are thrown after changing the platform in High Definition 3D template