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Child GameObjects are added as last in order in a Variant when adding ch...
Repro steps: 1. Open QA attached project "repro_1095995" 2. Open PrefabB in Prefab Mode 3. Add a child GameObject named "BChild4" 4.... Read more
Sprites rendered through Command Buffers not displayed until rendered on...
Sprites rendered through Command Buffers not displayed until rendered once with a default Renderer Steps to repro: 1. Open the sc... Read more
Unity Editor Windows change color when Bakery Lightmap is rendered
How to reproduce: 1. In the Bakery menu select Clear Baked Data 2. In the Bakery menu select Render Lightmap 3. In the Bakery Windo... Read more
Compute shader errors not being passed to inspector/console on Metal
Compute shader errors are not passed to inspector/console if all kernels fail on DX compiler errors on Mac (Metal). Steps to repro:... Read more
[Audio] Editor crash on resetting Audio Mixer group properties
[Audio] Editor crash on resetting Audio Mixer group properties. Steps to reproduce : 1. Create a new or open attached project. 2. G... Read more
[Terrain] Stamp Height Tool height value lost when new Terrain Tile is s...
Only happens with negative height stamp values. Might not be an issue on Chris's branch but making a bug report just to keep track o... Read more
Playmode tests timeout when Time.timeScale is large
The Playmode tests are probably using the GameTime to decide when to timeout, which make most tests that would touch Time.timeScale ... Read more
PrefabUtility.GetObjectOverrides() produces a null reference exception w...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open the attached project 2. Select "Tools/test prefabs Asset" Result: NullReferenceException ... Read more
[Android] Google Play Console APK Pre-Launch report has accessibility wa...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project 2. Build with checked ARMv7 architecture 3. Upload it into Google Play 4. Look t... Read more
PrefabUtility.LoadPrefabContents returns object's name before renaming it
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open attached project 2. Click "Tools > Reproduce Bug 1 =D" Expected: "First object name in as... Read more
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Latest issues
- WebGPU builds with Multithreading enabled crash on Safari
- Set as Value in UI Builder doesn't work across all properties.
- Calculating time durations in RenderDoc with DX12 causes 'Device Lost error' popup
- Reorderable ListView inside a ScrollView has a glitchy behavior when trying to reorder items
- Hidden method is opened in IDE when double clicking the log message in the Console that has the HideInCallstackAttribute