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Crash when using lightSource.AddCommandBuffer and exiting Player that ha...
How to reproduce: 1. Open users attached project 2. Make sure that DirectX12 Graphics API is used and Graphics Jobs is enabled (Fil... Read more
Cancel button won't stop Shader Graph from compiling, user is unable to ...
Reproduction steps: # Open the attached project # Go to Assets → CreativeCore_Shaders → ShaderGraphs # Click on any Shader Grap... Read more
Frame rate drops when using multiple monitors with duplicated screen
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open the "Test" Scene 3. Build and Run the project 4. Set your opera... Read more
[DX12] Editor crashes on GfxTaskExecutorD3D12::DoExecute or GeometryJobT...
How to reproduce: 1. Download the project (Link in the Edit below) 2. Open the Unity Editor folder and execute the following command... Read more
[FrameDebugger] Flickers when URP Deferred DrawMesh event is selected
Steps: 1. Create a new URP template project 2. ProjectView > select UniversalRenderer > On Inspector set RenderingPath to Deferred 3... Read more
[UIToolkit] ListView elements are selected incorrectly
Reproduction steps: # Open the user's attached project # Select the "Show > Me" menu item to bring up the window containing ListVie... Read more
[Editor] VSync (Game View only) doesn't work on DX12 and Vulkan
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached user's project "" 2. Make sure that DirectX12 is selected as the Graphics... Read more
[OpenXR] [DX12] [HDRP] Editor crashes on Unexpected null accessor on Buf...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Open the SampleScene 3. Set SteamVR as OpenXR default runti... Read more
"Diagnostic switches" warning pops up and can't be cleared when entering...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new "3D Sample Scene (URP)" project 2. Enter play mode Expected result: No errors or warnings app... Read more
Editor crashes when exiting the Play Mode while a certain GameObject is ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the repro project 2. Open _LittleDemolition2/_Scenes/Stages/021.unity scene 3. Select the Stage Game... Read more
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Latest issues
- Prefab Override popup displays on wrong monitor when Inspector width is resized to minimum
- Scroll View is not moving by inertia after scrolling by click and dragging when Editor window is minimized and Canvas "Render Mode" is set to "World Space"
- "type mismatch error" occurs when the currentDirectionWS output of a Sample Water Surface node is connected to a float3 input
- URP Material Upgrade utility does not enable Alpha Clipping when material had Rendering Mode set to Cutout
- Particle System emission ignores the Sprite Atlas when using a Material that has the "Include in Build" setting unchecked