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Shader Default Map textures are not reset when using the 'Reset' button ...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new Unity project 2. Create a new Standard Surface Shader 3. Set the Albedo Default Map to any texture... Read more
[iOS] Build fails when running UnityLinker
Reproduction steps: 1. Download and open the attached "" project 2. Build the project for iOS 3. Observe the Console wi... Read more
Toggle Button Group parenting breaks when duplicating Button
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “” project 2. Open the “SampleScene” 3. Open “Assets/WorldEditor/World... Read more
Animation is not visible in the default Editor state
To reproduce: 1. Open the project “XOrd-rig-bug” 2. Open the Assets → _LOCAL → Rig Anim without Seq → Rig Anim Scene.unity 3. Select... Read more
[Contextual Menu] When navigating to a submenu, parent menu highlight di...
When navigating to a submenu, parent menu highlight disappears then reappears. Repro: # Create project # In hierarchy view, ... Read more
Particle batching broken when using a Default Particle System
1) Add 2 particle systems 1b) Ensure both systems have different world positions 2) Make sure the game camera can see them both 3) P... Read more
"Activity <activityName> has leaked ServiceConnection" errors when calli...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open QA attached project 2. Build and run on a device 3. Click 'unload' button -- Inspect logcat of the messa... Read more
OGV video stream freezes during playback while audio works as expected
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download attached project 2. In the root folder there's "vlc_stream.bat" file. Edit it to have a correct pat... Read more
Shader Keywords are not detected when defined in include files
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “BugRepro” project 2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene 3. Enter the Play Mo... Read more
Cinemachine collider visualization is stuck when switching scenes
Repro steps: 1. Open attached project 2. Open the Physics Debug window and in the Physics Debug overlay panel check the "Collision ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Size value in Particle System Curve's tab is highlighted with selection across all tab header
- Particle System Curve's Presets window has no visual indication of what preset is selected
- Blur shader doesn't work when the "Scene Color" Node is attached to the UI "Output" Node
- Particle System Curve presets can't be scrolled and some of them can't be selected if window is too narrow to fit them all
- Mistakes in multiple Particle System Components pop-up