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Crash on ParticleSystem::EndUpdateAll() during Play Mode when Particle u...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the "SampleScene" Scene in the attached "" project. 2. Enter Play Mode and wait for at least ... Read more
[OSX] "Scene(s) Have Been Modified" dialog appears in the background of ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open any Unity project on a multiple display setup 2. Create a new GameObject in the Hierarchy and focus on any... Read more
Silent Crash when using Inspector Window to inspect a script component t...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Drag the "ReproBehaviour" script to the "Main Camera" GameObject ... Read more
Script can't be loaded and throws error when GenerateAuthoringComponent ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user's attached project "BugReportProject" and scene "SampleScene" 2. In the Hierarchy, click on "GameOb... Read more
Assets importer gets stuck when importing a txt file that contains binary
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Inspect the Assets Progress Window 3. If it's not stuck, reimport the "problem-ass... Read more
[Inspector] Copy-Paste of serialized properties (new 2020.1 feature) sho...
While copy-pasting similar field in a component of different size, for example dropdowns of different sizes, validations are missing... Read more
[ECS] MonoBehaviour Authoring class is overridden in the Inspector when ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's project ("") 2. Select SubScene/Cylinder GameObject from the Hierarchy 4. Inspect th... Read more
Particle System with Texture Sheet Animation has a different playback sp...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project's Scene labeled "SampleScene" 2. Enter the Play Mode 3. Observe the GameObjects with ... Read more
'NullReferenceException' is thrown when selecting multiple Particle Syst...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project ("") 2. From Hierarchy window select "Test1" Game Object 3. In the Inspector ... Read more
[Cinemachine] FreeLook Value Range still affects camera even with Bindin...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Select "CM FreeLook1" camera 3. Under Orbits->Binding Mode, select "World Space" 4. ... Read more
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- Unable to switch to either Facebook Instant Games/Meta Quest in the Build Profile
- Error "IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array" logged when selecting an Element in UI Builder with a specific setup
- "native code called abort()" is thrown in WebGL player when loading first scene
- Crash on core::base_hash_set when importing a specific package
- SettingsService.NotifySettingsProviderChanged() Doesn't Call OnDeactivate for Existing SettingsProviders when new ServiceProvider is created