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Unity crashes on play when Probe's Mode and RefreshMode is changed in On...
Unity crashes on play when probes settings are changed in OnWillRenderObject() with: > Unity.exe!ReflectionProbe::GetCachedRenderer(... Read more
[SpeedTree] clicking on SpeedTree error message does not bring you to .s...
Steps to repro: 1. Create new project; 2. Import attached 'treePackage unity package'; 3. Notice that errors 'SpeedTree materials ... Read more
[Regression][HelpTab] 2 segment separator lines are rendered in Help con...
Steps to repro: 1. Open Unity; 2. Create new project; 3. Expand 'Help' context menu tab; 4. Observe element's rendering inside the ... Read more
[Windows] Moving one folder inside another one causes assertions in console
Windows only. Regression from at least Version 5.5.1f1 (88d00a7498cd) Thu, 19 Jan 2017 11:30:52 GMT Branch: 5.5/release Steps: 1. Co... Read more
Audio clip auto-play setting is not stored in preferences (state is lost)
After selecting multiple clips within the Editor, the inspector forgets what settings it was using regarding auto-play. Reproductio... Read more
[Regression]: Reference links are broken for Importing settings of some ...
Additional Reference button appeared in objects in 5.60b5 (see screenshot below). For some it leads to nonexistant pages: - Scrip... Read more
Particles are emitted not from a ParticleSystem position when ParticleSy...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project. 2. Open and Play "Test" scene. 3. In Scene view, rotate "Particle System" to shoot particles... Read more
ParticleSystem loses its pivot point, if after selecting ParticleSystem,...
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project. 2. Create "Particle System" and "Cube" (or any other 3d object). 3. Select "Particle System" ... Read more
Drag and drop simple FBX file causes an error Could not serialize text f...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Download the attached FBX file 3. Drag and drop it to the project 4. Notice the error: ... Read more
Yellow assert "Incomplete mesh data in Sprite" spam in Console after loa...
Yellow assert "Incomplete mesh data in Sprite. Please reimport or recreate the Sprite." spam in Console after loading/playing scene ... Read more
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- Editor crashes and a window with "GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'MonoManager' is NULL (table index 5)" error is shown when launching a freshly created project
- Editor Windows dragging behavior is erratic/glitchy when a specific multi-display setup is used and the Editor window is not on the main display
- Meta Quest missing an icon in Build Profiles window in U6.0
- Foldout arrow indent is misaligned in the Inspector when used for Arrays or Lists
- Material import pipeline strips properties when it is added with a script