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Asset Store and Services windows do not update when resizing Editor
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Open Asset Store window and Services window 3. Dock it to Editor 4. Grab Editor's corn... Read more
When changing NavMesh Agent size, those changes are not applied on object
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project attached (NavMesh Agent bug). 2. Open scene "Main" 3. Select Cube and change NavMeshAgent size. ... Read more
Using Mesh.SetUVs instead of Mesh.uv won't work with Mesh.GetNativeVerte...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open "test" scene 2. Disable the Blast and enable the Ribbon gameobject 3. Press play ... Read more
Expand arrow for subassets in Two-column Asset view is not smooth
The icon appears to be using nearest neighbour filtering instead of bilinear Steps to reproduce : - import a package from the Asse... Read more
Thumbnails for prefabs do not appear until reimporting
Steps to reproduce : - create a new project - import a package from the Asset Store (!/cont... Read more
[UI] Speed Tree preview is not updated after reseting tree prototype
Reset changes in prototype is not applied to the speed tree preview Steps to reproduce: See attached gif or: 1. Download attach... Read more
Editor crashes after you undo Add Rect Transform to Prefab (of object wi...
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project. 2. Create Empty "GameObject" with an empty "GameObject" child. 3. Make a prefab of this GameO... Read more
Add component RectTransform can't be undone for a prefab instance in hie...
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project. 2. Create empty GameObject. 3. Make a prefab of it. 4. Select instance of a Prefab in Hierarc... Read more
NavMesh is not fully generated for spherical objects
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Create a sphere object in the scene 3. Increase it's size 4. try to bake navigation ... Read more
[Android] SpriteRenderer with custom shader does not reflect light
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project '' and open in Unity 2) Open scene 'test' 3) In Hierarchy, increase Range of... Read more
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Latest issues
- Editor crashes and a window with "GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'MonoManager' is NULL (table index 5)" error is shown when launching a freshly created project
- Editor Windows dragging behavior is erratic/glitchy when a specific multi-display setup is used and the Editor window is not on the main display
- Meta Quest missing an icon in Build Profiles window in U6.0
- Foldout arrow indent is misaligned in the Inspector when used for Arrays or Lists
- Material import pipeline strips properties when it is added with a script