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Updating a Text object with a tag name doesn't work in the Build if any ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached Project 2. In the Hierarchy menu click on the Cube object 3. In the Inspector click on the Ta... Read more
[iOS][Android] InputFields no longer highlight text when selected
Steps to reproduce: 1. Start a new project 2. Add an InputField object 3. Switch to Android and build and run to device 4. Tap on In... Read more
GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'MonoManager' is NUL...
How to reproduce: 1. Open cmd 2. Type: "C:\Program Files\2018.1\2018.1.6f1_57cc34175ccf\Editor\Unity.exe" -batchmode -createProject ... Read more
Assembly Definition files do not recompile when importing Asset Packages
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open an empty project 2. Import user-attached package "MRTK-Test.unitypackage" (rmb in Projects panel->Import... Read more
[Animator] Animation becomes distorted after looping it a certain amount...
To reproduce: 1. Open 'smallProject' 2. Play 'TestPath' scene Expected: the character will walk from the top right corner to the bo... Read more
Add button is clipped from below on the "Add Tree" window on terrain
Add button is clipped from below on the Add Tree, Texture, Grass Texture, Detail Mesh window, similarly, Import & Export button is c... Read more
Gizmos.DrawFrustum returns incorrect values when the DrawWireCube is used
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ""; 2 Observe the gizmos drawn in the scene view. Expected results:... Read more
Double-clicking on the game object in hierarchy deselects it
Double-clicking on the game object in hierarchy deselects it. Steps to Repro: 1. Create a new project 2. Hierarchy window 3. Doub... Read more
[Improved Prefab] Override indicator (blue line) appears misaligned on s...
[Improved Prefab] Override indicator (blue line) appears misaligned on some fields for Rigidbody2d. Refer screenshot attached. Step... Read more
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Latest issues
- Different build sizes between Editor build and command-line build when "Static Batching" is enabled
- Particle System "Start Rotation" property affects a different axis when upgrading to newer Editor versions
- "Light" Component's "Culling Mask" setting is hidden but still has an effect when using HDRP
- Selecting the Web platform can be done when using the HDRP project
- Textures swap when SpriteRenderers with shared materials and animators are toggled on and off