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The Button is not fully visible in the Game window when adding it to the...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. In the Hierarchy window add a Panel (right-click > UI > Panel) 3. In the Inspector wind... Read more
UnityEditor.Editor OnGetFrameBounds() callback is not called when ancest...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "FrameTest" 2. Open Scenes/SampleScene 3. Select "Ancestor" GameObject in the Hiera... Read more
GUIUtility.BeginGUI() causes memory allocations every time when a GameOb...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Enter Scene "SampleScene" (Assets > Scenes) 3. Make sure the Profil... Read more
UIToolkit Inspector fields alignment regression
1. What happened Value fields are no longer aligned properly for nested data structures when using UIToolkit for default inspectors ... Read more
[Regression] RectMask 2D forces all child to call TransformChangedDispatch
How to reproduce: 1. Download attached project file and open "Scene" Scene 2. Open Profiler and enter Play Mode Actual result: Tran... Read more
The "Properties..." shortcut does not open the Focused Inspector window ...
To reproduce: 1. Download the attached project "" and open it in Unity 2. Open the "TestingShortcuts" scene ... Read more
Credits are not showing when opening Unity About pop-up
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. In the menu bar press go to Unity > About Unity 3. Observe the credits field Ex... Read more
Error i->previewArtifactID == found->second.previewArtifactID' is thrown...
This assertion was randomly and rarely reproducible for a couple of years at least for me, but recently it started to happen much mo... Read more
Emitted GameObjects throw "NullReferenceException" errors and "Script h...
How to reproduce: 1. Open project "Clean" 2. In the Hierarchy window select "GameObject" GameObject 3. In the Project win... Read more
Duplicating materials causes warning in Inspector - "The main object nam...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user attached project 2. Go to Assets\\_Content\\Materials\\1DEV\\Grid and select any material 3. Press ... Read more
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Latest issues
- ":focus" style will not be shown when the UI element is unparented and reparented and the "Focus()" method is called without the "Blur()" method being called
- Crash on BucketAllocator::Allocate when importing TextMeshPro assets
- Playmode dropdown creates continuous "Layout update is struggling" errors at certain aspect ratios
- Editor takes a long time to open VFX Graph 'Subgraph' asset when it is heavily referenced by multiple other VFX Graphs
- "Editor Event Handler Error" error is thrown when using Terrain Tool shortcuts