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[WebGL][Windows Touch] Touch does not work on WebGL.
Tried with Windows Surface Pro. WebGL touch does not work. Repro: 1. Download package and project at: Read more
[OSX][DualShock 3] The leftShoulder button also triggers the non-existen...
When pressing the leftShoulder button on a DualShock 3 controller on OSX, the TouchpadButton is also triggered, even it doesn't exis... Read more
[OSX][DualShock 3] When bind an Input Action to dpad, it is actually bin...
When using script to bind dpad input to an Input Action, the callback function is called when left stick is pressed, instead of dpad... Read more
Contents in the Console Window disappear when clicking on a IndexOutOfRa...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open "Storm's Scene" (Stuff > Our Stuff (Comrade) > Storm... Read more
Editor can be undersized below limit when in Play mode
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project or open an existing one 2. Open the Game window 3. Resize the Editor to the smallest possi... Read more
WindowsVideoMedia error 0x8007007b is thrown when importing an AssetBund...
How to reproduce: 1. Download and unzip the attached file "" 2. Save the "AssetBundle/menu12" file somewhere else on... Read more
[Mac] Audio from outside of Unity Editor sources glitches when recompiling
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Play audio source outside of Unity 3. Go to Window > Package Manager 4. Install any pac... Read more
Transform.SetParent throws exception when called from Event with no inpu...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached "" project 2. Enter Play mode 3. In Game window press "Clear Parent with Event... Read more
[Light/Shadows] Soft shadow does not render on switching Graphics APIs t...
Hard shadows being rendered instead of soft shadows while changing shadow type to "Soft Shadows" in the inspector on Windows. Occurs... Read more
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Latest issues
- Error is thrown when clicking on warning in the console
- Long IL2CPP build time when project has a .ufbx library wrapper
- Cursor doesn't change to the resizing when using the Rect Tool and the Sprite is too close to the bottom of the Scene View
- InvalidOperationException exception is thrown when Editor Default Text Rendering Mode is set to "Bitmap" and Editor Font is set to "System Font" and an array is expanded in the Inspector Window
- "Sample Gradient" node can be connected to the "Sub Mesh Mask" input and makes the VFX Graph uncompilable