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Editor crash inside OpenCL when uploading transmission data
The AVP photo booth project is crashing inside the AMD OpenCL driver during transmission data upload. Regression caused by this c... Read more
[DetailMesh] Unable to paint detail mesh when terrain contains assigned ...
Steps to repro: 1. Open Unity; 2. Create new project; 3. Import attached ‘DetailMeshBug’ package; 4. Double click on ‘Terrain’ game... Read more
[WinARM] Editor Windows can't be docked in the same tab using touch scre...
*Steps to reproduce:* 1. Create a new project 2. Try docking the Game View window in the same tab as the Inspector window ... Read more
LocalizedStringDatabase.GetLocalizedString wraps corrupts arguments
When padding an IList<object> into `public string GetLocalizedString(TableEntryReference tableEntryReference, IList<object> argumen... Read more
[Shader Graph] Package Description makes no mention of support for Unive...
The package description for Shader Graph states that it is compatible with LWRP and HDRP, but it does not mention Universal RP. This... Read more
[Adaptive Performance][UX] Adaptive Framerate or Adaptive Resolution Min...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Open Package Manager 3. Install Adaptive Performance package 4. Open Project Settings ... Read more
[WebGL] [SVG] "Runtime error: float unrepresentable in integer range" is...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project ("") 2. Open the repro scene ("SampleScene") 3. E... Read more
Editor Crashes when assigning an SRP asset which calls a Cull method wit...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project named "Case_1218248" 2. Open Project Settings -> Graphics and set the used SRP asset ... Read more
StringTable is imported incorrectly when the project is first opened in ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the “肉鸽塔防正式“ project 2. Build and run the project 3. Observe the “设置“ (“Settings“ in English) ... Read more
[ProBuilder] Increment is inconsistent when using Edit Shape tool
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Select "Pro_CollidarStandard_Top" GameObject in the ... Read more
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- “Error in Shader Graph Assets/Samples/Shader Graph/17.1.0/Production Ready Shaders/Lit/URPLit.shadergraph: Graph is generating too many variants…” error is thrown after importing Shader Graph Samples
- ComputeShader cannot access the depth element of RenderTexture targeted by an HDR camera
- Search in the Console window highlights wrong text when text contains HTML attributes
- Particle System doesn't always play when ParticleSystem.Play() is called
- Build Profiles: The vertical and horizontal window lines are different colors and this is not consistent with the other engine windows