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Null reference exception in AudioSource.Play() causes editor to freeze
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open "scene" scene 2. Press play and click the canvas button 3. Press stop Resul... Read more
Editor crashes after exporting prefab to unitypackage
1. What happened After exporting unity package, Editor hangs/crashes. Attaching Editor log and crash call stack from case, when Ed... Read more
Keyboard shortcuts don't work when one of the mouse buttons is pressed
How to reproduce: 1. Open Unity project 2. Press your mouse button (left, right or scroll wheel) 3. Use Ctrl+Shift+N keyboard short... Read more
[2D] Sprites imported with TexturePacker 4.3.3 are not rendering all tri...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ""; 2. Open the "Scene_001.unity" scene; 3. Enter a play m... Read more
[Asset Bundles] Editor crashes while trying to load asset bundle from file
Regression at least from Version 5.5.1p1 (d7332d2a7307) Steps: 1. Open attached project 2. Run "testScene" ==> Editor crashes with ... Read more
[AudioMixer] [Echo] Playing sound in the Editor when scene is stopped
Reproduction steps(GIF attached): 1. Open the attached project. 2. Open the "Untitled" scene. 3. Double click "NewAudioMixer" and se... Read more
The Courtyard gives ArgumentException errors
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Go to Asset Store window 3. Download and Import "The Courtyard" 4. Open "Courtyard" sc... Read more
Crash when clicking on prefab with a particle system in the project window
The editor crashes when clicking on prefabs which contain particle systems in the project window, but only after playmode has been e... Read more
Hidden folders cause errors with Visible Meta Files
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Make sure Visible Meta Files are enabled 3. Create a new folder "ABC" in Assets folder... Read more
Shadowmask Overlap mode prints ThreadsafeLinearAllocator::Deallocate! error
Create more than five overlapping stationary lights in the scene and switch the scene visualization mode from Shaded to Shadowmask O... Read more
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Latest issues
- Editor crashes and a window with "GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'MonoManager' is NULL (table index 5)" error is shown when launching a freshly created project
- Editor Windows dragging behavior is erratic/glitchy when a specific multi-display setup is used and the Editor window is not on the main display
- Meta Quest missing an icon in Build Profiles window in U6.0
- Foldout arrow indent is misaligned in the Inspector when used for Arrays or Lists
- Material import pipeline strips properties when it is added with a script