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UI images and texts disappear on editor focus change
Changing the focus to another application and back to Unity, causes some UI elements in the scene view to disappear. This includes i... Read more
[iOS] "Application.Integrate Assets in Background" is taking up more time
Build and run project for iOS and check the time of Loading.UpdatePreloading->Application.Integrate Assets in the Unity profiler. No... Read more
lhs.terrainInstanceHash == rhs.terrainInstanceHash assert when building ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "Bug Report" 3. In Lighting window, clear built lightmap and start bakin... Read more
[Enlighten] Stuck at clustering jobs when baking lightmaps
-e: attached project never finishes baking -repro: --open attached project (it is!/content/... Read more
adb locks Unity editor and the editor starts to hang when trying to clos...
adb locks Unity editor and the editor starts to hang when trying to close it. This is only reproducible in Windows and it is a regre... Read more
[Asset Bundle] Unity fails to load the object with script that has the s...
Reproduction steps: 1) Open attached project "ABRefBug" 2) Build asset bundles using the menu "Assets/AssetBundles/Build AssetBundle... Read more
[LWRP]LWRP + SPS + Render Texture causes Editor to crash or Editor GUI t...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project with LWRP VR template 2. Create a camera that renders to a render texture 3. Enter Playm... Read more
Anti aliasing does not work on Android devices
Anti aliasing does not work on Android devices when the "8x Multi Sampling" anti aliasing option is selected in the quality settings... Read more
[ImageFx] Deferred + Multi camera + HDR (e.g. weapon cam) makes GlobalFo...
Multi-camera setups involving deferred shading/lighting and HDR cameras cause image effects on the 1st camera to not be visible. To... Read more
'Selected texture format 'ARGB 16 bit' is not valid' error is shown afte...
Steps to repro: 1. Open the attached project and 'ProgressiveLightmappingExample' scene; 2. In the Lighting window press 'Generate L... Read more
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- "Browse" button for Xcode in the "Build Profiles" window is too big
- USS styles fail to inherit correctly when contentContainer is overridden in a custom control
- Copying and pasting Animator Transitions leads to unexpected behaviour
- "ShaderGraph" misses a space in the "Project Settings" section
- UI Builder inspector’s checkbox fields can be activated when clicking anywhere in the value field