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Fixed in 2020.3.X
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Issue ID
Specific Actions dropdown tab does not appear when setting the Target of the Touch Trigger in the LEGO Template
How to reproduce:
1. Open the user attached project
2. Enter the "LEGO Tutorial" Scene found in the Scenes folder (Assets -> LEGO -> Scenes)
3. Double click on the "Altar" Prefab GameObject in the Hierarchy
4. Press on the yellow "Touch Trigger" Prefab GameObject
5. Change the Target of the "Touch Trigger Script" Component in the Inspector to "Specific Actions"
Expected result: A modifiable dropdown tab appears
Actual result: No modifiable dropdown tab is visible
Reproducible with: 2020.3.24f1
Not reproducible with: 2019.4.34f1, 2020.3.23f1
Couldn't test with: 2021.2.7f1, 2022.1.0b2 (No LEGO Template)
- Reproducible on a new LEGO Template project
Comments (17)
Jan 13, 2022 12:14
or direct in the line ( last word ):
from "false"
if (EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_SpecificTargetActionsProp, new GUIContent("Specific Actions"), false))
to "true":
if (EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_SpecificTargetActionsProp, new GUIContent("Specific Actions"), true))
Jan 13, 2022 12:10
The problem got solved. It is in the file “TriggerEditor.cs“
Go to C:\ user \ username \ Start Lego \ Assets \ Lego \ scripts \ Editor \
and you will find the „TriggerEditor.cs“Open the file with a Editor.
The fastest way: Delete all and copy this new in the script ( Save it and restart the tutorial after ) :
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Unity.LEGO.Behaviours.Actions;
using Unity.LEGO.Behaviours.Triggers;
using Unity.LEGO.Game;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;namespace Unity.LEGO.EditorExt
[CustomEditor(typeof(Trigger), true)]
public abstract class TriggerEditor : LEGOBehaviourEditor
static readonly string editorPrefsKey = "";static bool s_ShowExtraConditions;
protected Trigger m_Trigger;
protected SerializedProperty m_RepeatProp;
SerializedProperty m_TargetProp;
SerializedProperty m_SpecificTargetActionsProp;
SerializedProperty m_ConditionsProp;Action m_FocusedAction = null;
List<Editor> m_VariableEditors = new List<Editor>();
protected override void OnEnable()
base.OnEnable();m_Trigger = (Trigger)target;
m_RepeatProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Repeat");
m_TargetProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Target");
m_ConditionsProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Conditions");
m_SpecificTargetActionsProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_SpecificTargetActions");s_ShowExtraConditions = EditorPrefs.GetBool(editorPrefsKey, false);
}protected void OnDisable()
foreach (var editor in m_VariableEditors)
}public override void OnSceneGUI()
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
if (m_Trigger)
DrawConnections(m_Trigger, m_Trigger.GetTargetedActions(), true, Color.cyan, m_FocusedAction);
}protected void CreateTargetGUI()
if ((Trigger.Target)m_TargetProp.enumValueIndex == Trigger.Target.SpecificActions)
if (EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_SpecificTargetActionsProp, new GUIContent("Specific Actions"), true))
for (var i = 0; i < m_SpecificTargetActionsProp.arraySize; ++i)
GUI.SetNextControlName("Action " + i);
var previousFocusedAction = m_FocusedAction;
// Find the currently focused Action.
var focusedControlName = GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl();
var lastSpace = focusedControlName.LastIndexOf(' ');
if (focusedControlName.StartsWith("Action") && lastSpace >= 0)
var index = int.Parse(focusedControlName.Substring(lastSpace + 1));
if (index < m_SpecificTargetActionsProp.arraySize)
m_FocusedAction = (Action)m_SpecificTargetActionsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index).objectReferenceValue;
m_FocusedAction = null;
m_FocusedAction = null;
}if (m_FocusedAction != previousFocusedAction)
}protected void CreateConditionsGUI(bool useFoldout = true)
if (useFoldout)
s_ShowExtraConditions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(s_ShowExtraConditions, "Extra Conditions");
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
EditorPrefs.SetBool(editorPrefsKey, s_ShowExtraConditions);
if (!useFoldout || s_ShowExtraConditions)
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(EditorApplication.isPlaying);// Refresh variable list.
var variables = GetAvailableVariables();
variables.Item2.Add("[Add New Variable]");// Show conditions.
var anyAvailableVariablesInConditions = false;
for (var i = 0; i < m_ConditionsProp.arraySize; ++i)
var conditionProp = m_ConditionsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
var variableProp = conditionProp.FindPropertyRelative("Variable");
var index = variables.Item1.FindIndex(item => item == (Variable)variableProp.objectReferenceValue);index = EditorGUILayout.Popup(new GUIContent("Variable", "The variable to check."), index, variables.Item2.ToArray());
if (index > -1)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(conditionProp.FindPropertyRelative("Value"));if (index == variables.Item2.Count - 1)
var newVariable = CreateInstance<Variable>();
newVariable.Name = "Variable";
var newVariableAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(Path.Combine(VariableManager.k_VariablePath, "Variable.asset"));
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newVariable, newVariableAssetPath);
variableProp.objectReferenceValue = newVariable;
variableProp.objectReferenceValue = variables.Item1[index];
}anyAvailableVariablesInConditions = true;
}if (GUILayout.Button("Add Condition"))
}if (m_ConditionsProp.arraySize > 0)
if (GUILayout.Button("Remove Condition"))
}if (anyAvailableVariablesInConditions)
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Variable Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
}var shownVariables = new HashSet<Variable>();
// Create and show editors for used variables.
for (var i = 0; i < m_ConditionsProp.arraySize; ++i)
var conditionProp = m_ConditionsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i);
var variableProp = conditionProp.FindPropertyRelative("Variable");
var variable = (Variable)variableProp.objectReferenceValue;
if (variable)
var index = variables.Item1.FindIndex(item => item == variable);if (index > -1 && !shownVariables.Contains(variable))
var variableEditor = m_VariableEditors.Find(item => == variable);
if (!variableEditor)
variableEditor = CreateEditor(variable);
}if (shownVariables.Count > 0)
shownVariables.Add(variable);if (GUILayout.Button("Delete Variable"))
// Remove editors that represent deleted or unused variables.
for (var i = m_VariableEditors.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var variableEditor = m_VariableEditors[i];
if (! || !shownVariables.Contains((Variable)
} -
Jan 07, 2022 21:04
same here. Please advise
Jan 05, 2022 21:17
I am having the same issue. I cannot continue without this being solved first.
Dec 30, 2021 17:34
this is my problem now
Dec 30, 2021 16:30
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Dec 27, 2021 21:30
I see the same issue in version 2020.3.25f1.1418
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Resolution Note (fix version 2020.3):
Fixed in: LEGO® Microgame v2.4.2