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Fixed in 6.9.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




ShaderGraph Gradient node does not attach to a Sample Gradient if it is connected to the Master node

Package: Shader Graph


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project named "Case_1154941"
2. Open the "Test" shader graph
3. Try to attach the Gradient node to the Sample Gradient

Expected result: Gradient node is attached
Actual result: Gradient node is not attached

Reproducible with: 2018.4.1f1, 2019.1.4f1, 2019.2.0b4, 2019.3.0a4
Could not test with: 2017.4 ( Lack of a Package manager )

Package versions tested: 4.1.0, 5.7.2, 5.13.0, 6.5.3, 6.7.1

1. It is possible to attach the Gradient node to the Sample Gradient when it is not connected to the Master Node
2 Tested with HDRP and LWRP

Fixed with: 2019.2.0b9 and 2019.3.0a8 using ShaderGraph 6.9.0

Comments (1)

  1. Yanka33

    May 24, 2019 13:40

    The same issue occurs when trying to plug the output of a Sample Texture Node to any node already linked to the Position input of the master node (PBR or Unlit).
    For example, starting from the Shader described in this video:, it is not possible de replace the Simple Noise node by a noise texture.

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