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Fixed in 1.0.4-preview.6



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Issue ID




[Mobile Notifications] Include CoreLocation framework field is missing when editing Notification Settings via the inspector

Package: Mobile Notifications


If you are editing iOS Notification Settings via the Inspector, the checkbox and label for "Include CoreLocation framework" will be missing. This setting is present when editing via the Project Settings Window.

1. Open Unity
2. Open the attached project
3. In Project View, select Assets/Editor/
4. In the Inspector, switch to the iOS tab
5. Find the "Include CoreLocation framework" field

Expected Result:
Field is present.

Actual Result:
Field is missing.

Tested on Windows.

Occurs on 1.0.2 using 2019.3.0a11

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.0.4-preview.6):

    Verified fixed using 1.0.4-preview.6

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