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[Linux] OnGUIDepth Errors spam the console when docking the VFX Graph window

Package: Visual Effect Graph


When trying to dock a VFX Graph window in the Editor, a lot of errors spam the console.

To reproduce:
- start a new project with the Universal SRP template and add the VFX Graph package to it or download this project
- make a new VFX graph
- open it
- try to dock the window in the same panel as the Scene window

Reproducible only on 2020.2
Reproducible only on Linux

Not reproducible with 2019.4, 2020.1, or on Wndows or MacOS with any Unity version

The most common error I get is:
OnGUIDepth changed: was 0 is 1. Event type was 3

On 2020.2, but not on 2021.1, I also get:
Assertion failed
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) (at /home/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:189)

Comments (2)

  1. bb8andr2d2forlife

    Jan 09, 2022 19:35

    I can reproduce this. I get this error when I add components

  2. SirGFM

    Nov 07, 2021 13:44

    I just tested this both on Ubuntu 18.04 and on Debian Unstable and this is still happening 100% of the time.

    Steps to reproduce:

    - Create a new 3D project
    - Try to drag the Hierarchy tab or the Project tab around

    It may have something to do with trying to move the tab over a list (the objects on the scene or the directory structure, respectively). I was able to move Inspector tabs around, but it would only dock bellow/above its previous position.

    I haven't tested this on Gnome, as I use the i3 window manager. However, given that 2019.4 works, I wouldn't think that's the case.

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