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Fixed in 2022.2.0b8, 2023.1.0a11



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Issue ID




[HDRP] "No more space in Reflection Probe Atlas" error is spammed on creating a HDRP 3D Sample Template


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a Unity Hub
2. Create a new HDRP 3D Sample Project
3. Observe the Console

Expected: No Errors
Actual: "No more space in Reflection Probe Atlas. To solve this issue, increase the size of the Reflection Probe Atlas in the HDRP settings." is spammed on Opening HDRP3D Sample Template errors

Reproduced with: 2022.2.0a17
Not reproducible with: 2022.2.0a16, 2022.1.4f1, 2021.3.4f1, 2020.3.36f1, 2019.4.40f1

-Error message in Console "No more space in Reflection Probe Atlas. To solve this issue, increase the size of the Reflection Probe Atlas in the HDRP settings."

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2022.2.0b8):

    Fix by updating the templates

Comments (2)

  1. AlexFCL

    Jul 07, 2023 12:14

    Encountering same issue as @LASTNAMELEFT, opening "Unity Terrain - HDRP Demo Scene" in Unity3D 2022.3.0 will produce the error.

    * Somehow turning off any 3 Reflection Probes in the demo scene will get rid of this error.

  2. LastNameLeft

    Jan 28, 2023 15:54

    Fresh install of 2022.2.4f1 with "Unity Terrain - HDRP Demo Scene" v1.0.2 also produces this error.

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