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Fixed in 2020.1.X

Fixed in 2019.3.X



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Issue ID




"Failed to load window layout" error window is shown when trying to open projects and specific regional format is chosen



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Control Panel -> Region
2. Change Format to Turkish (Turkey)
3. Create a new project or open an existing one

Expected result: Project is opened
Actual result: "Failed to load window layout" error window is shown and only "Quit" button works

Reproducible with: 2019.3.0b2, 2019.3.0b6, 2020.1.0a2, 2020.1.0a8
Not reproducible with: 2017.4.33f1, 2018.4.10f1, 2019.2.9f1, 2019.3.0b1, 2020.1.0a1

Workaround: Change your operating system "Region & Language" settings to English (United States)

- The bug is also reproducible with formats: Turkish (Cyprus), Azerbaijani (Latin, Azerbaijan), Azerbaijani (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)
- "Revert Factory Settings" and "Load Default Layout" buttons just go back to the same "Failed to load window layout" error window

Comments (29)

  1. atmikes1234

    Sep 17, 2020 17:25

    The Workaround DOES NOT work! I changed all possible settings (language, region, country etc.) to english (us), restarted computer, also tried some of the suggestions from the comments, but nothing helped. This happened the first time, when i updated to 2020.1.5f1. I can open my old projects, but cannot create a new one.

  2. kasd100

    Sep 17, 2020 13:01

    These are steps for a manual reset, this worked for me. After you perform these steps and get into the project, go to Layouts (top right) > More > Save to disk. This will save your onto your computer. If the problem arises again, copy the saved layout, into the same folder shown below and rename it CurrentLayout-default and delete the corrupted old one

    When you get to the 3 options
    1) Press [Load Default Layout]
    (Unity copies the correct default layout to CurrentLayout-default.dwlt)

    2a)Unity complains that it still cannot load the layout
    2b) Press Load Default Layout. (this fixes the file)

    3a) Copy the now correct CurrentLayout-default.dwlt somewhere (you can find the correct file, when you go to the folder you save your projects in, and enter the folder with the project name that you are trying to access, find “ CurrentLayout-default.dwlt” and copy it onto your computer somewhere.

    4) Press Quit
    (Unity corrupts the file during quitting)

    5) Copy back the newly saved CurrentLayout-default.dwlt into the same place you got it from and delete the old corrupted one

    6) Start Unity again

  3. developers_unity222

    Sep 17, 2020 11:48

    I was able to fix the bug with this answer :

    I hope this can help.

  4. developers_unity222

    Sep 17, 2020 11:04

    The solution did not work. I can't believe that changing the "Region and Language" could be a solution.

    Occurred to me in version 2020.1.6f and 2020.1.5f on MacOs Catalina version 10.15.6 (19G2021)

  5. Nimi142

    Sep 16, 2020 20:55

    Occurred to me in version 2020.1.6f while making a new 2d game.

  6. hmortensen2907

    Sep 16, 2020 15:02

    Deleting Unity, Unity Hub and UnityHub folders from
    Solved it for me. :)

    !! Be aware this will probably reset all custom settings you have in Unity !!

  7. turbolek

    Sep 16, 2020 10:14

    Still facing this issue in 2020.1.4f1 regardless the Region setting

  8. Svalinn85

    Sep 15, 2020 16:56

    As soon as I upgraded to version 2020.1.4f1 thjis error started to wtop every single unity project from working. Tried the solution but it doesn't work. Tried other solutions found on the net but they do not work. Unity is not usable at the moment for me.

  9. tclancey

    Sep 15, 2020 10:16

    Still happens with 2020.1.4 WITHOUT any localisation changes.

  10. MagendanzC

    Sep 14, 2020 17:52

    I still have several of my students running into this issue. What's the workaround if they're already in English (USA)?

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