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Under Consideration for 1.7.X, 1.11.X
Found in [Package]
Issue ID
Default Button Press Point value set in the Editor is not respected and always forced to 0.5 value in m_DefaultButtonPressPoint
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached ""
2. Connect a gamepad (needs a right trigger)
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Press the right trigger on the controller and observe the values printed
5. NOTICE: isPressed becomes true at 0.5
5. Navigate to "Project Settings > Input System Package Settings" and observe Default Button Press Point set to 0.15 value
Expected results: Default Button Press Point value set in the Editor is respected
Actual results: Default Button Press Point value set in the Editor is not respected and always forced to 0.5 value
Reproducible with: Input System 1.7.0 (2021.3.45f1), 1.11.2 (2022.3.52f1, 6000.0.25f1, 6000.1.0a2)
Testing Environment: Windows 11
Not reproducible on: no other environment tested
-Issue does not reproduce if Default Button Press Point value is set during runtime (while already in Play Mode)
-m_DefaultButtonPressPoint = 0.5f is forced in the Input System package InputSettings.cs script line 773
-OpenXR Plugin ActionToHaptics.cs script is modified to compare against action.Performed and action.WasPressedThisFrame
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