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Postponed means that the issue was either a feature request or something that requires major refactoring on our side. Since that makes the issue not actionable in the close future we choose to close it as Postponed and add it on our internal roadmaps and technical debt pages instead.




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[PLM] Lightmapping ignores lights culling mask

Progressive Lightmapper


To reproduce:
1. Open attached project "CullingMask"
2. Open scene 1
3. Let it bake
4. Notice that lightmap is baked for all static objects, even though light has Culling mask set to Nothing
5. Change lights baking to Dynamic
6. Wait for bake
7. Scene isn't lighted, but irradiance is still present

  1. Resolution Note (2020.2.X):

    Postponed. Missing feature.

Comments (43)

  1. unityissupergay

    Dec 28, 2022 22:19


  2. jonahcool1

    Dec 28, 2022 21:45

    Maybe instead of adding features they should first fix all the featuress.

  3. Reisender

    Dec 10, 2022 05:24

    December 2022, still no bueno

  4. Immersive-Matthew

    Jul 01, 2021 20:03

    I am finding the lack of being able to direct a baked light to a layer to be a MAJOR drawback in using Unity. Why on earth has this not been fixed? Can someone from Unity please share A) why it is like this in the first place, and B) are there any plans to correct?

  5. lk1

    Mar 22, 2021 07:27

    2020.2.0 版本 还是同样的问题

  6. Immersive-Matthew

    Nov 17, 2020 18:21

    After A LOT of wasted time trying to determine why my lights are casting on layers they are not supposed to, I found this thread and have to say that I deeply disappointed in Unity for not fixing this years ago. I am on 2020.1.14f for goodness sakes in November of 2020. What is going on at Unity to not address a big issue like this? I get that they are supporting a complex engine, but this and other things like it just feel flat out wrong and as if the company has their heads somewhere else these days. Really concerning and is making me want to jump ship to another engine.

  7. ROBYER1

    Nov 17, 2020 18:16

    Urgently need this feature

  8. shubhamswaraj2021

    Aug 18, 2020 04:58

    good one <a href="">lyricsauto</a>

  9. Corwah

    Jul 09, 2020 13:09

    Summer 2020 and this feature is still not working. I was in disbelief when I found out it's not me doing something wrong, but actually missing feature.

  10. Espumasdulces

    Jan 07, 2020 19:35

    2020 here, how is it going 2021?

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