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Button position is wrong on fullscreen player which aspect ratio is different then monitor's



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project's scene "BrokenButton".
2. Check how button is highlighted.
3. Build and run project.
4. Choose 1024x768 resolution on 16x9 monitor. (fullscreen)
5. Hit Play! and observe how button gets highlighted.

Comments (36)

  1. kallelandell

    Dec 23, 2015 19:19

    I have problems with some buttons on my 2nd scene, but not in the first. One important differance between the scenes is that in the first scene I add the buttons from the start, but in the second I add them after a while. In the first scene they are far to the left on screen, in the second they are close to the middle. If I click a bit to the right of the buttons in the scene where they are not working, I pop out of fullscreen mode.

    Unity Version is 5.3.0f4.

  2. IluhaT

    Sep 14, 2015 17:06

    Same issue here!

  3. michaelstrange

    Sep 14, 2015 10:18

    Same issue for me... :-(

  4. movra

    Sep 12, 2015 12:04

    There's also this issue

    which I believe is related.

    The 5.1.3 patch 3 from 11 September should include a fix for that:

    (722983) - Fixed broken positioning of render when upscaling to native desktop resolution in full screen mode (Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11).

    But for example a 4:3 game is still stretched to fit a 16:10 desktop resolution in D3D11 full screen mode and the mouse position is still incorrect. It seems nothing has changed in that regard.

  5. trothmaster

    Sep 11, 2015 22:52

    Same issue here. NOT fixed in 5.2 despite the "Duplicate issue" claiming its fixed.

  6. GDesmoulins

    Sep 09, 2015 15:27

    Same problem on Unity 5.2.
    I use NGUI for my project, and you ?

  7. Zogg

    Aug 31, 2015 13:47

    Same problem here, with Unity 5.1.2f1.

  8. Velo222

    Aug 29, 2015 22:24

    I've had this issue for awhile now with the uGUI (months it seems). I'm currently using Unity 5.1.1p1 and the issue is still there. Please fix!

    I'm somewhat surprised this is even a problem for a game engine, considering buttons being detected properly on a user interface (in fullscreen mode) is essential to about 99% of games I've seen. Resolution and GUI issues using dx11 in Unity has been a terrible experience up to this point.

  9. Squirrelmaster

    Aug 12, 2015 11:09

    Having the same problem here, a quick fix would really be nice. For now I just limited the resolution to only allow 16:9, but that's no option to stick with.

  10. lexx2real

    Aug 12, 2015 09:19

    This problem plays and I and friends.
    And in the last fifth version, and 4.6.7f1

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