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Under Consideration for 1.0.X, 1.2.X



Found in [Package]

1.0.16 (Patch 4)

1.2.0-pre.6 - Entities

Issue ID




"ArgumentException: Cannot find TypeIndex for type hash" is thrown in the Player when using Entities Package in embedded mode

Package: Entity Component System (ECS)


How to reproduce:
1. Open the “DOTSBug“ project
2. Open the “SampleScene”
3. Build And Run
4. Open and observe the Player.log

Expected result: No errors are thrown
Actual result: The “ArgumentException: Cannot find TypeIndex for type hash” error is thrown

Reproduced with: 1.0.16 (2022.3.20f1), 1.2.0-pre.6 (2023.3.0b9)

Reproduced on: Windows 11
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

1. Not reproducible in the Editor
2. Not reproducible without a SubScene that contains a GameObject with a Rigidbody Component
3. The “Entities” and “Entities Graphics” Packages are moved from the “Library/PackageCache” folder to the “Packages” folder and used in embedded mode → more information about embedded mode can be found here: [|]
4. Reproducible in a new project
5. Full error is provided in the internal comments

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