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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X, 6000.0.X



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Issue ID




[Android] Build fails with Error "A failure occurred while executing" when using In-App Purchasing and Facebook SDK



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "ReproProj"
2. Open the “/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene
3. Switch to Android Platform
4. Build

Expected result: Build finishes successfully
Actual result: Build fails with Error “A failure occurred while executing“

Reproducible with: 4.12.0 (2022.3.38f1), 4.12.2 (2021.3.40f1, 2022.3.38f1, 6000.0.11f1)
Not reproducible with: 4.11.0 (2022.3.38f1)

Testing environment: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2, macOS 14.5 23F79 Darwin 23.5.0
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

- Reproducible only when Facebook SDK is added
- Reproducible with Mono and IL2CPP

Comments (12)

  1. scar027

    Sep 23, 2024 06:56

    Updating EDM4U to latest version (steps 2 and 3 from unity_psBBuKYnBt2RIg) and setting Min Target API to 24 solves all my issues!

  2. RSH1

    Sep 19, 2024 13:58

    This issue also happens with the Unity Ironsource Levelplay SDK included

  3. Weendie-Games

    Sep 09, 2024 20:18

    I had the same problem and the step-by-step mentioned by @unity_psBBuKYnBt2RIg fixed for me. Thanks.

  4. mageec

    Sep 04, 2024 07:55

    Hello I had this problem , but i find a workaround i hope it will work for you
    my solution is to build manually from Android Studio

    My configuration:

    Unity 2022.3.44f LTS
    Google Play Games Plugin 0.14 and Facebook SDK integrated
    Android Studio 2022.2.1 Flamingo
    App Release KeyStore ready
    Windows 10

    1. Upgrade IAP to version 4.12.x (I used 4.12.2): Windows -> Package Manager -> Find "In App Purchasing" and upgrade it to 4.12.0 (or later)

    2. Delete Resolved libraries (probably not needed): Assets-> External Dependency Manager -> Android Resolver -> Delete Resolved Libraries

    3. Force Resolve: Assets-> External Dependency Manager -> Android Resolver -> Force Resolve

    4.Open Player Settings :File -> Build Settings->Player Settings

    5.Select Custom Main manifest,Custom Launcher manifest , target API 34 or later and make other config related to your game

    6. Open Build Settings :File -> Build Settings and check the export checkbox

    7. Click on the export Button ,select the target folder to generate the android studio project

    8.Open Android studio in Administrator mode

    9. Open the target folder export project with android studio

    10. After gradle sync, open the file build.gradle of unitylibrary module

    11. you will see a the end of the file this line :

    afterEvaluate {
    dependencies {
    implementation ''

    12. replace it by:
    afterEvaluate {
    dependencies {
    implementation (''){
    exclude group: 'androidx.core', module: 'core'
    exclude group: 'androidx.activity', module: 'activity'
    exclude group: 'androidx.annotation', module: 'annotation'
    exclude group: 'androidx.arch.core', module: 'core-runtime'
    exclude group: 'androidx.collection', module: 'collection'
    exclude group: 'androidx.customview', module: 'customview'
    exclude group: 'androidx.fragment', module: 'fragment'
    exclude group: 'androidx.lifecycle', module: 'lifecycle-common'
    exclude group: ''

    13:In Android Studio Select Build Variant :Build-> Select build variant and select release

    14:In Android studio Build-> Generate Bundle Signed/Apk and select your keytore,put the password and build the game

    in my configuration it works, i hope if you have almost the same config as me, it will fix the problem too Thanks

  5. Logan_Elaire

    Aug 26, 2024 22:27

    Finally managed to get it working by switching the target API Level in Player Settings from 35 to 34... I'm free at last...

  6. Logan_Elaire

    Aug 26, 2024 03:23

    Can't build for Android either since I updated IAP. Probably because of the Firebase libraries. I tried every solution I've found online and nothing's worked.
    This is seriously frustrating, because not only is the deadline this week, I also have an actual important update to release which is already ready to roll for iOS.

    I've asked for an extension on the deadline, which I'd suggest others do, because I doubt this issue is getting resolved in the next few days... Just go to your app on the Developper Console and go to Policy status. There, you should have the deadline listed: you can click it and ask for an extension to November 1st. Should at least take off SOME of the pressure... though I'd rather this problem was just fixed!
    The IAP update should have come far sooner so there was time to iron out the kinks, not like, two months before the deadline. Is this gonna be the same next year, when 6.2 becomes outdated?

  7. iris_ch

    Aug 25, 2024 14:38

    As @musicdeveloper already stated, the issue is not limited to Facebook SDK.

    For us, the issue occurs in combination with the Google Play Games Plugin, after upgrading the Unity IAP to 4.12.2

    Many thanks to @unity_psBBuKYnBt2RIg ! After trying several things, we finally solved the issue by following your steps!

  8. unity_psBBuKYnBt2RIg

    Aug 21, 2024 20:04

    I finally managed to solve the problem. The solution that worked for me:
    1. Upgrade IAP to version 4.12.x (I used 4.12.2): Windows -> Package Manager -> Find "In App Purchasing" and upgrade it to 4.12.0 (or later)
    2. **Delete everything under Assets/ExternalDependencyManager/Editor** <- This is very important. This is the step that I missed and because of this I was not able to build the project
    3. Install the latest version of External Dependency Manager (I used 1.2.182)
    4. Restart Unity
    5. Delete Resolved libraries (probably not needed): Assets-> External Dependency Manager -> Android Resolver -> Delete Resolved Libraries
    6. Force Resolve: Assets-> External Dependency Manager -> Android Resolver -> Force Resolve
    7. Build
    8. Drink that well-deserved beer

  9. unity_psBBuKYnBt2RIg

    Aug 21, 2024 19:10

    Why is this issue completely ignored? There are tons of forums with this issue and no valid solution.

  10. pavlostenoff

    Aug 21, 2024 16:53

    google billing deadline very soon - need fix now pls.

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