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User can't easily configure location of both UPM and Asset Store package...
Users would like to easily configure the location of the package cache for both, UPM and Asset Store packages. Read more
[XR][Android] Crash on Android 14 due to ARCore package not specifying o...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project “ARProject” 2. Ensure that Target API Level is set to API Level 34 at (menu: Edi... Read more
[Android]"StrictMode policy violation: android.os.strictmode.NonSdkApiUs...
1. Open empty Unity project 2. Build Android APK 3. Upload APK to Google Play Developer console Expected result - No API warnings ... Read more
[iOS] Rigidbody interpolation causes objects to jitter
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download the user's attached project 2. Build to iOS 3. Observe the cube travelling in the screen Expected: ... Read more
[IL2CPP] Null Exception is thrown when passing NativeList to a IJobParal...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download attached project 2. Build project for Standalone with IL2CPP backend Results: Null exception is th... Read more
Editor crash when deserializing an array of a type with a nested fixed-s...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached 'FixedBufferOverrideCrash' project 2. Open the 'TestScene' 3. Select the 'TestPrefab' and o... Read more
The "StackOverflowException" error is thrown in the console and the Edit...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the ““ project 2. Select the “new behaviour script“ Scriptable Object 3. Add at least 2 elem... Read more
Crash when selecting a certain material
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “ReproProject“ project 2. Select “Assets/colores/naranja.mat“ material Reproducible with... Read more
[Linux] Folder name is truncated when dot is used in the name
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Open the Project window (Window->General->Project) 3. Create a new Folder with "a 1.... Read more
Jerky initialization of Joints occurs when Configurable Joint Limits are...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “BugRepro” project 2. Open the “Ragdoll Bug Repro” Scene 3. Select the “FannequinV2RootD... Read more
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Latest issues
- "View Diff" button not functional in Package Manager > 'My Assets'"
- “Validate” button is misaligned in the PM window > “My Assets”
- The "Add selector..." option is missing from the UI Builders Hierarchy and Viewport options modal when options are not targeting an element
- Animation Curve edits cannot be undone when editing in a Prefab
- Clearable "NullReferenceException" error thrown after pressing "Validate" button below an Asset in PM > 'My Assets'"