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Chrome 42 doesn't run simple WebGL scene
-e: a very simple cube scene, chrome tab just spins for minutes at max cpu -repro --open attached project or just make a scene with... Read more
[Mono] .NET 4.7.1 standard/framework .XML files with useful descriptions...
Reproduction steps: 1. Go to "Unity\Editor\Data\MonoBleedingEdge\lib\mono\4.7.1-api" 2. Check if ".XML" files are there Expected re... Read more
Windows Editor: Inspector dropdown list doesn't scroll with mouse wheel
-e: when you have a long list of items scrolling them with the arrows takes way longer than mouse wheel does. works fine in mac edit... Read more
NavmeshAgent is noticeably slower approaching a small gap when using Obs...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached "repo_1042990" project 2. Enter game mode 3. Click on the ground near yellow square 4. Click on t... Read more
Windows x64 standalone build crashes when using MeshCollider.sharedMesh
To reproduce: 1. Import unity_4_3_crash_win_64.unitypackage 2. Open scene TestCrash 3. Build&run a windows standalone for x64 4. Pre... Read more
Camera control doesn't work after Handles.Button grasps a mouse click event
Steps to reproduce : - import the project attached - open the scene "test" - focus on the camera with "F" - right click on the draw... Read more
[OcclusionCulling] Scene filters are not applied, when "Occlusion cullin...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project; 2. Click on "Main Camera" GameObject; 3. In the Scene view mark "Occlusion culling" c... Read more
[Mobiles]"<RI.Hid>" errors thrown when connecting a Mobile Device
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Connect a windows phone 8 or android device to your pc 3. Notice the errors in console: "<R... Read more
Immersive mode leaves black bar on Nexus 5 when app is re-launched
If you are relaunching app through recents screen after Application.Quit(), there is a black bar in place where hardware buttons (ba... Read more
LightingData.asset being too big causes Scene corruption and Size overfl...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project 2. Open Scene Scenes/xx 3. Wait for Unity to exit with the following error: Size... Read more
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- Static Editor Flags dropdown list is cut off when Inspector Window is docked to the very right and UI Scaling is set to a higher value
- visionOS Players are minimized when Guided Access is turned on
- Licensing Client fails to launch when opening Unity Hub
- Sprite Atlas Inspector preview disappears when entering Play mode unless SpriteAtlasMode is set to "Sprite Atlas V2 - Enabled"
- Opening reference for Audio Importer opens missing page