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Color picker window moves when assigning diff colors
To Reproduce: 1. Create Particle System (or anything with a color picker) 2. Go to -> Particle Animator rollout and select a color b... Read more
Importing packages that have the same folder but different content fails...
Repro: 1) Import PackageOne.unitypackage 2) Import PackageTwo.unitypackage Result: The second package import reports that there's ... Read more
Animation Editor ignores the first key in the timeline if there are no m...
Animation Editor ignores the first key in the timeline if there are no more keys for that particular curve. e.g. I want a camera to... Read more
GUIUtility.keyboardControl not initialized/reset between runs
To Reproduce: 1. Open the "Login Scene" from the _Scenes folder and press play. 2. Notice the label in the upper right now has a zer... Read more
Generic objects do not appear in the inspector.
To Reproduce: 1. Add the sample script to a GameObject. 2. Selected the GameObject and notice the data is not Serialized for inspect... Read more
Including an ampersand (&) symbol in Input Textfield "Player Settings/Pr...
To Reproduce: 1. Build an simple iPhone app adding '&' in the name. Expected: 1. Unity should see that the character is not valid. ... Read more
[GUI] Meshes using TextShader show through opaque meshes
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene Scenes/Main.unity 3. Select any text object in the scene (Game Title for i... Read more
Build progress bar doesn't account for resources
1. Open the attached project. 2. Duplicate the texture "White 1" at least three times. 3. Choose File>Build Settings 4. Click "Build... Read more
Left command key does not trigger events on Mac
1) What happened the default key for "fire 3" in the input manager is left cmd, which corresponds to the windows key on windows. wh... Read more
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Latest issues
- Cursor doesn't change to the resizing when using the Rect Tool and the Sprite is too close to the bottom of the Scene View
- InvalidOperationException exception is thrown when Editor Default Text Rendering Mode is set to "Bitmap" and Editor Font is set to "System Font" and an array is expanded in the Inspector Window
- "Sample Gradient" node can be connected to the "Sub Mesh Mask" input and makes the VFX Graph uncompilable
- "LoadFontFace_With_Size_and_FaceIndex_FromFont_Internal can only be called from the main thread." exception is thrown when opening an editable array in the Inspector while Editor Default Text Rendering Mode is set to "Bitmap"
- EditorGUILayout.PropertyField foldout icon inside Vertical Layout Group has an incorrect indent when used with OnInspectorGUI()