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Inconsistent animation curve when changing the rolloffMode from Custom t...
This could be reproduced on version 4.0.0b10 (0a7760ba81f3). When changing the rolloffMode from Custom to Logarithmic on the animati... Read more
Running multiple BC demo webplayers causes FF crash
* use proper memory managment system to not crash and instead give nice eror messages. Read more
Maximise on play option not maintained when Layout is changed
To reproduce; 1. Turn on Maximise on play 2. Change layout to anything else Maximise on play is no longer turned on. Read more
Unchecking "override for iPhone" loses icon selections.
Unchecking "override for iPhone" in the Player icons settings loses icon selections. The attached project has one 72x72 icon select... Read more
If you have multiple game views, only the latest added works with Maximi...
To reproduce 1. Open unity 2. Set the Layout to default 2 by 3 3. Set the Game View to be maximized on play 4. Add another game vie... Read more
Selecting multiple objects is not undone by clicking on originaly select...
To reproduce; 1. Create a new project 2. Add a cube to the scene 3. Add a sphere to the scene 4. Select the cube 5. Press shift and... Read more
Editor layout not being maintained.
To reproduce; 1. Load a new project a set the layout to be 2 by 3. 2. Set the game view to maximise on play 3. Play the project 4. ... Read more
Script is moved in Project structure when it fails to be added to a prefab
Steps 1) Make a prefab in a folder called Prefabs 2) Make it a real prefab by applying the Main Camera to it 3) Make a new C# script... Read more
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Latest issues
- ScrollView speed is slower when entering Play mode
- UI Builder elements disappear and "Semantic - Unknown template name" error appears when changes to "Template" parameter are saved
- Renderers outside Light Probe hull use incorrect Ambient Probe values when "Renderer Light Probe Selection" is set to "Use Ambient Probe" and "Light Probes" on Mesh is set to "Blend Probes"
- ArgumentNullException error occurs when selecting a Camera in the Hierarchy with the Scene view open
- Clicking 'Open Editor Log' through the Console fails to open redirected Logs when relative Log files exist outside of the Project root