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Issue ID
[UI][TerrainInspector] Terrain texture selection outline is subtle
Steps to repro:
1. Open attached project and 'test' scene;
2. Select Terrain gameobject in the Hierarchy;
3. Go to 'Paint Texture' tab in the Terrain Inspector;
4. Select different textures in 'Paint Texture' tab;
5. Observe the selection outline.
Actual result:
Terrain texture selection outline is subtle, so user could barely see which texture is selected currently. See attached video.
Expected result:
Terrain texture selection outline should be clearly visible and consistent with other tabs of Terrain Inspector (for example, see Place Trees tab).
- Reproducible in 5.6.0b5, 5.5.0p4, 5.4.4.p1;
- Reproducible on both OSX and Windows;
- Seems that selection outline is dependent on Inspector tab size. To make the bug more visible you may need to resize Inspector tab (adjust its width until selection outline would be invisible.
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Resolution Note (2018.3.X):
We plan to build a new UIElements control to address the issues with all of the palettes used by Terrain; and make it a proper globally available control.