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Fixed in 11.0.X



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[Shadergraph] Additive blending on PBR / Universal Lit and unlit shadergraph ignores alpha in Universal RP

Package: Shader Graph


Reproduces in 4.10.0-preview, 7.4.1, and 10.0.0-preview.26
Repro steps:
1. Make a new PBR / Universal Lit shadergraph
2. Set it to transparent and set the blend mode to additive
3. Change the alpha input to 0.1
Expected result: the shader becomes less opaque
Actual result: the alpha has no effect when the blend mode is additive
Note: this does not have parity with the Universal Lit shader, where the alpha will affect the transparency when it is set to additive. Also effects universal unlit graph.

Comments (1)

  1. PeterAndrewB

    Aug 25, 2020 15:35

    Hope you guys can fix this soon! With the current way the Additive blend is working, the Color is actually driving the alpha, so its a bit of a pain to have to work around and find a way to get the full control over the color, emissive intensity, and transparency on any additive shader

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