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Fixed in 5.4.0
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[Scene]m_RootOrder order being saved as a PrefabModification within the scene file has an incorrect value
Steps to reproduce this issue:
1. Create a new empty project. (Edit->Project Settings-> Editor->Asset Serialization Mode -> Force text)
2. Set file editor settings to "force text".
3. Add a prefab to the scene
4. Create a new GameObject within the scene
5. Move it above the prefab instance
6. Delete the GameObject, but leave the prefab instance
7. Save the scene
8. Open scene in the text editor
9. Check the value of m_RootOrder
10. m_RootOrder value of 1 instead of 0 for the prefab
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May 24, 2020 18:30
Boost! I'm in 2019.3.13f and I still get many changes to m_RootOrder! How do I resolve these without causing a merge conflict?
Nov 24, 2015 11:55
Still active in 5.2.3f1