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Render Texture will not be rendered in Build if the Graphics.Blit method is called on a Addressables Asset
How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached ""
2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene
3. Select the "Spawn" GameObject in the Hierarchy window
4. Enable the "Blit Test (Script)" Component in the Inspector
5. Open the "Canvas" Prefab in Prefab Mode (Assets/Prefab)
6. Select the "RawImage" GameObject in the Hierarchy
7. Disable the "Blit Test (Script)" Component in the Inspector
8. Go to File -> Build And Run
9. Observe the application
Expected result: Render Texture is rendered in the Build
Actual result: No Render Texture is rendered in the Build
Reproducible with: 2018.4.27f1, 2019.4.11f1, 2020.1.6f1, 2020.2.0b3
- The issue is reproducible on both Windows and Mac Builds
- The issue is not reproducible in the Unity Editor
- The issue is not reproducible if the script with Graphics.Blit method is a part of the Addressables Asset
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Resolution Note:
The script in the Hierarchy is running Blit on a copy of the Assets that live in player data, however, the Canvas that is being loaded into memory and instantiated comes from Addressables with its own copy of Render Texture and Source Texture. Marking both the Render Texture and the Source Texture as Addressables and using the AssetReference type in the script fixes the issue