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Rect Transform tool handles sometimes become ungrabbable



How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached project
2. In the Project window enter "New Scene"
3. In the Hierarchy window select Canvas->GameObject
4. In the Scene window try to grab Rect Tool handles and resize the Game Object

Expected result: Handles are clickable
Actual result: Handles do not react to being clicked on

Note: Double-clicking on "Canvas" or "GameObject" fixes the issue

Reproducible on: 2018.2.0b3, 2018.2.20f1, 2018.3.1f1, 2019.1.0a12, 2020.1.0b3
Not reproducible on: 2017.4.17f1

  1. Resolution Note (2020.2.X):

    We are unable to reproduce this error from the dev side. After talking with QA who accepted it, resetting Unity's layout corrected the issue.

Comments (14)

  1. danibacon

    Sep 08, 2024 17:45

    Can confirm this issue still exists in 2021.3.24

  2. zhoujiazhiwork

    Oct 31, 2023 06:11

    same issue at 2022.3.12f1

  3. PixelCells

    Apr 09, 2023 15:06

    Same issue on 2021.3.18f1. Appeared about 7 days ago.

  4. Trokild

    Aug 04, 2020 09:12

    I have the exact issue too. Rect transform tool stops working, somehow sometimes. 2019.3.0f6

  5. palomacs

    Apr 09, 2020 19:28

    This issue just happened to me in 2018.4.20f1.

  6. cihadturhan_unity

    Mar 13, 2020 09:05

    Confirm this issue on 2019.3.0a8. Restarting unity does not solve the issue.
    It seems like there is a raycast problem in the editor.

  7. ecv80

    Dec 28, 2019 14:37

    This is happening to me right now in 2019.2.0b7 and has happened occasionally with earlier versions as well.
    I'm sorry you can't reproduce it, but the problem is real, so maybe more effort or patience should be put to hunt it.

  8. hoodust

    Aug 29, 2019 16:54

    Can confirm this issue still exists in 2019.3.0a7. "Resolution" as noted worked for me: double-clicking a UI GameObject allowed me to use the Rect Tool again everywhere in the project. Not sure if related, but this issue occurred for me on a dual-monitor set up (one 4k one 1080) after dragging the game window around between screens.

  9. lsheron

    Jun 27, 2019 19:16

    Someone on my team figured out that by setting Layout to Default, it fixes this problem.
    We don't know why. But it's a consistent fix.

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